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A parliamentary inquiry has heard how hexavalent chromium ‘spurted out’ of a temporary stack, and created a “rainy mist” at the Orica plant on the night of August 8.

Orica employee, Warren Ashbourne told the inquiry today, he became aware of the leak when a
worker complained of yellow spots of chromium on his helmet.

Mr Ashbourne said the leak caused “a misty sort of rain” to come out of one of the plant’s stacks.

Workers then diverted the condensation to a separate vent, but it became overwhelmed, and the hexavalent chromium began “spurting out.”

When employees realised the incident was out of control, the plant was shut down.

Mr Ashbourne said he thought workers had contained the leak because there was was no yellow droplets of hexavalent chromium on cars.

It wasn’t until site manager Stuart Newman arrived at work at 7am the next day, the true extent of the leak became apparent.

More details on NBN news tonight at six.

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