Mid North News
Federal Nationals MPs have descended on Rob Oakeshott’s electorate of Lyne, campaigning against the carbon tax.
They say mid north coast tourism will suffer with increases in airline ticket prices, a claim refuted by the local independent.
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The critical issue missed by all is CO2 build-up mostly from 300 years of land clearing and indeed volcanic eruption moves to such thickness sunlight heat will bounce back to space. Previously such events wiped out much living matter. Power station are but de facto volcanoes and there is no actual clean energy in sight hence a tax has no base.
The opportunity exists for this nation to lower mass CO2 into scientifically based CO2 sinks (not trees)stored for 100 years+ and the income from UNFCCC carbon trading will employ many in new careers and also aid in preparation of our water resources and infertile farm.
Correct science advice to Government and APH is demanded. Check UN Facts are 300 million environmental refugees are preparing to march with their governments help. Gillard believes the illegal immigration solved, most nations including China believe Australia is rich in soil water food. God help the historians of tomorrow
Robert Vincin Chairman Emission Traders Association Australia. See Google