Central Coast News
The long-awaited arts and entertainment precinct at Gosford could soon be a reality.
The Central Coast Leagues Club plans to transform sections of its facility into a performing arts centre, featuring a 1,000-seat theatre and a large concert hall.
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I think it is a very good idea.
The other plans of the Gosford council will take years to develop.
So if you have the money to develop the Club into an Art,s centre go ahead and do it.
Fantastic. Sweet Adelines Australia would definetly look at holding our Regional competition in Gosford if this facility can be built. This annual event attracts 800 + participants.
Wonderful – well done CCLC!
Great idea – I can just picture Chris Bearman with his fingers crossed.
How fitting it is that the Leagues Club should become a home for rthe Performing Arts. There have been many performances there over the years and the Leagues Club has been a major sponsor of the annual Rotary Gala Concert, which entertained audiences of over 900 people every year for 13 years. The Club’s history makes it seem the right place for this developemt.