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Singleton’s “Freedom Hotel” issued council order over flag

A controversial pub in the Hunter Valley has been ordered to remove an Australian flag painted without permission on the roof of the heritage-listed building.

The Caledonian Hotel painted a Union Jack, the five stars of the Southern Cross, and the six-pointed Commonwealth Star on its roof without council approval.

It has been threatened with a demolition order or a $500,000 fine if it doesn’t comply, publican Brad Hill wrote on Facebook.

Singleton Council said the flag had been installed without its permission and confirmed to NBN News it had issued a demolition order.

“Council commenced initial compliance action in February 2022 following a complaint received from a member of the public,” the council said in a statement.

“The compliance action relates to an unauthorised structure that has been installed on a heritage-listed building.”

The council said last month it issued a “further order of compliance” saying a development application should have been lodged before a heritage-listed building was modified.

“Council encourages the owners to engage with council to resolve the matter.”

Hill told NBN News today he was willing to work with the council. He also claimed he had the support of state and federal politicians.

NSW Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said: “I can tell you that I’ve had a beer there.

“Barnaby Joyce has had a beer there. And I’ve had a beer there with Matt Canavan.”

The pub was last year slapped with fines and a forced closure for serving unvaccinated patrons.


Neighbouring business owner Arne Coulston says he finds the flag offensive.

“Most of us aren’t really like that here and we don’t really agree with anything they have to say,” he said.

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