More than 60 people have now been arrested following two days of climate change protests in Newcastle. Police say they’re disappointed by the illegal behaviour, but environmental activists say it shows dedication to their cause.
The protests started at daybreak. Five people locking onto coal loading equipment in Kooragang Island. It’s the second day demonstrations against coal mining and climate change have been held in Newcastle.
This afternoon protesters took their action to the streets, with around 100 marching on Hunter MP Michael Costa’s office, in opposition to the state’s plan to privatise the electricity industry. They then rallied in Civic Park.
In Mayfield one group began ‘gurilla gardening’, planting trees and shrubs in a statement against climate change. And banner’s were dropped over the city’s main street.
While there’s no doubt protesters caused some disruption, they fell short of achieving their goal – to bring the Hunter’s coal chain to a halt.
An enormous police operation, apparently foiling their efforts.
Assistant Commissioner, and Northern Region Commander Lee Shearer says, “It’s now been two days solid of working in that sort of environment, it’s frustrating, but I’m very proud of the, I’ve seen a lot of professional behaviour.”
Late this afternoon four people stormed the coal train line at the Carrington terminal. Two locked onto the line, one chained himself to a pole, while this woman was content to simply run along the tracks. In all 63 people have been arrested.
Climate Camp Organiser Georgina Woods says, “And really that just demonstrates the level of commitment in the community, for people who are really frustrated that too little has been done.”