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New South Wales has recorded 24 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 to 8pm last night.

17 of those are linked to previously confirmed cases.

The Bondi cluster now consists of 175 cases and a total of 195 cases have been confirmed in NSW since June 16, 2021.

Premier, Gladys Berejiklian noted this morning that a number of people were active in the community while infectious.

She is urging people to get tested when the mildest symptoms develop.

One of today’s cases is a healthcare worker at Fairfield Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital who worked while infectious from the 24 June to 28 June.

A household contact of this nurse is also included as one of today’s case.

More than 200 staff and patients have been identified as close contacts to date.

NSW travelers are advised to stay away from Greater Sydney these holidays and only travel for essential reasons.

NSW Health advises anyone entering NSW after 12.01am yesterday (Wednesday 30 June) who has been in the Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria or Western Australia, in the previous 14 days must complete a declaration form.

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Georgia Vaughan

Georgia Vaughan is a Journalist for NBN News in Tamworth. She grew up in Armidale before moving to Newcastle to attend Hunter School of Performing Arts. Georgia joined NBN News in 2020, working as a social media producer. She then moved to Sydney and has worked as a social media producer at 10 News First and a producer for News Channel at the ABC. Georgia holds a Bachelor of Communications (Journalism) from the University of Technology Sydney.

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