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Williamtown residents have found themselves in another battle for information – this time with the state government.

They’ve been told to expect compulsory land acquisitions under moves to create a defence and aerospace hub…but months on, they’re still waiting for details.

This was the full response from Regional Growth NSW:

“Special Activation Precincts are a NSW Government initiative that will create more jobs and drive investment in regional NSW. The program is led by the Department of Regional NSW, planned by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and delivered by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation. The NSW Government works closely with the local council during the development of the project. Planning for the Williamtown precinct is underway, which includes a range of technical studies and engagement with Council, businesses and the local community, to help plan a precinct that will benefit the region for generations to come. The precinct’s draft master plan is expected to go on public exhibition later this year, and will include a proposed boundary for the precinct, land uses and potential acquisition needs. Any land to be acquired will be informed by technical studies and the draft master plan process. The Regional Growth Development Corporation will undertake any required acquisitions in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (the Just Terms Act), which sets out legislative requirements to ensure a fair process for compensation in the event ofland acquisition by an authority of the State.”

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