Meet the candidates vying for the seat of Maitland (in ballot paper order).
Philip Penfold is a 43yo married father of 2 and former building society manager. He was born and raised in Maitland. Philip has been a
councillor for the past 6 years on Maitland City Council. His key issues include retaining the existing emergency department at Maitland Hospital from closure, constructing new schools in his growing city, and retaining the rail line into Newcastle. Philip is concerned that people may have forgotten what he describes as the recent 16 years of Labor mismanagement and be hoodwinked into returning them into government. He says he treasures his independence and though he urges people to allocate preferences, he is not recommending one party over the other in this election.
Jenny Aitchison is a small business owner from Maitland and mother of two teenage children, Josh and Jess. Jenny runs an award winning local travel company and employs over 25 people. Jenny has been involved in a number of community and industry associations and was the Foundation President of the Women’s Network Hunter which she helped establish in 2005.
If elected, Jenny Aitchison and a Labor government will:
* reinstate the rail line back into Newcastle
* rescue TAFE
* ensure the new Lower Hunter Hospital is publicly funded
* keep the existing Maitland hospital open when the new hospital opens
* deliver a new primary school in the west of Maitland
* deliver a new high school for Maitland
* deliver new lights and upgrade the transformers for the Maitland Rugby Club home ground Marcellin Park
* upgrade the grounds of the Maitland Tenambit BMX club
Jenny Aitchison sees privatisation of the electricity network, jobs and infrastructure for the growing city of Maitland as key issues in this election.
For more about Labor’s policies go to
Steve Thomson is a local businessman and father of 3, who is passionate about Maitland and its future. He is the former President of the Maitland Business Chamber, Vice President of Maitland Junior Rugby Union, a Director of disability services provider Endeavour Group and was elected to the Hunter Business Chamber board to represent smaller Chambers of Commerce in the Hunter Valley.
Prior to a 20 year career in financial services in Sydney, Steve grew up in western NSW and attended an agricultural high school. He met his wife Kerri, a Merewether girl, whilst working in Sydney and they decided to raise their kids in Maitland.
If elected, Steve’s priorities are to continue to deliver on the promises already made to Maitland, such as the new hospital, upgrades to the New England Highway and local schools; to make sure that new infrastructure keeps pace with the city’s growth; and work across all levels of government to find solutions to the unemployment crisis facing the city, particularly its youth.
I grew up with politics. It was the major talking point around the dinner table. I was brought up to believe in social justice, caring for our environment and honesty in politics. That’s why I joined The Greens. My wife Sue and I have lived in Maitland for 30 years. We have one daughter and three granddaughters.
My late father Bob and grandfather John were mayors of Cessnock, where I was born, for a total of 23 years between them.
I am currently a freelance journalist. I previously worked in newspapers including the Maitland Mercury (chief sub-editor and sports editor) and 26 years at the Newcastle Herald (former sports editor and deputised many times as chief sub-editor and features editor.
My hobbies include long-distance running where I have completed about 14 marathons around the world including London, Venice, China, and lastly the authentic – Athens. I took up running after suffering many years with depression/anxiety.
The major issues for Maitland people to consider at this election remain public transport, health and education as well as their political representation.
I will seek urgent funding for Maitland Hospital where our dedicated medical staff are under enormous pressure to keep up standards as the city’s population grows. We also want to keep the planned new hospital at Metford in public hands.
We are totally opposed to privatisation of the poles and wires must stop the exploration of coal seam gas. We need to reinstate the rail line into Newcastle and improve our public transport.