Candidate Q & A – Greg Owen, Citizens Electoral Council Candidate for Dobell

What motivated you to run for the seat of Dobell?
Basically because I am very concerned about the future of the country and not just Dobell but I mean the whole country, in fact humanity when you think about it. The way the country is going at the moment concerns me. Businesses are closing, there are job losses, our farmers seem to be attacked by both sides of politics and really it just appears to me that the country is being shut down.
What are some of the big issues for you in Dobell?
The most immediate issue for Dobell is the same as the rest of the country, which is the currently proposed “Bail In” legislation.
Would you say you’re pushing for things that are sidelined by the bigger parties?
Yes, the CEC are currently pushing for three things actually. 1) To have Glass Steagall legislation implemented here in Australia. This will prevent the currently intended “Bail In” from occurring here in Australia. 2) Open a new credit bank owned by the people for the benefit of the people (similar to the original Commonwealth Bank) and 3) Commence infrastructure projects to create actual useful jobs & benefit the nation for generations to come.
Only a few months ago, Cyprus experienced bail in. In Cyprus the banks closed for 10 days, during that time depositors money was stolen from their accounts or converted into worthless bank shares. This has had a devastating effect on that country. The USA, Japan, Switzerland & just last week France now have bail in legislation approved by their governments. The CEC have documented in their latest New Citizen newspaper the evidence that bail in is intended here in Australia. The CEC are the only group here in Australia that are making people aware of the intended bail in. Glass Steagall legislation means a total separation of commercial banking from speculative practices such as derivatives. Without Glass Steagall depositors savings & superannuation are at risk of being bailed in (confiscated) by the banks.
What do you think will be your biggest challenge in running for this seat?
To reach as many people as possible & make them aware of the CEC policies & how important it is to have them implemented. More coverage of the CEC concerns & polices by the media would be helpful.
Is this the first time you have run for federal government?
I’ve never run for federal government before, I’ve only been involved with the CEC for about 2 years.
Why the CEC what was it about that party that you felt a personal connection?
The CEC are the only party that have policies that are for the benefit of the people. They are against globalisation, free trade & privatisation of Government (the people’s) assets. They are for Australia becoming a sovereign nation & they are for real development of the physical economy meaning real job creation.
How do you rate your chances on September 7?
Very slim.
You are the top pick on the ballot do you think that will help you?
It may do, but the CEC does have a following. It’s a bit disappointing that the media doesn’t give them the attention they deserve and I think the reason is because their policies and their views aren’t popular. Unfortunately popular opinion is almost always wrong, and we’ve really got to put that aside and look at the truth if we want to save the country. My honest opinion is that if people in Australia understood where the CEC was coming from that they would be running the country.
Great answers, to relevant questions.
The CEC ia probably the only party that used the word soveriegn