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Freezing night time temperatures have settled in for the week ahead for the Tablelands and Upper Hunter. Severe frosts are expected.

It is all thanks to the latest pulse of cold, polar air. The winds are moving to the south this will help drive the cold air further north while pushing the large rain band sitting off the Hunter coast towards the mainland producing coastal showers which will spread to the MNC reaching Port Macquarie from tomorrow before continuing north as we mover through the week. Cloud will also build causing us to loose the sunshine and therefore the daytime heating east of the Divide making conditions even colder during the day. The large swell will also get bigger as the southerly winds will allow the monster waves to carve away at our beaches causing more coastal erosion. The tides are currently getting bigger as we head towards the weekends extra large full moon. This will exacerbate the erosion problem.

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One Comment

  1. The weatherman got it wrong tonight. He stated that Friday will be the equinox. (WRONG)..It is the WINTER SOLSTICE. When the sun is furthest from the Equator and we have the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere.

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