North West News


The Barwon River is swollen as Queensland’s deluge continues making its way south.

Major flooding is occurring at Mungindi and Mogil Mogil and is expected to stay at that level into early next week.

In Collarenebri the water is at a minor level and falling.

Further West in Walgett, the Barwon is rising and may reach 12.7 metres this week with Major flooding.

And Brewarrina is also experiencing moderate flooding with properties in Barwon four likely to become isolated.

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Sophie Scanlon

Originally from Toronto, Sophie studied at Charles Sturt University Bathurst before starting her journalism career with NBN News in 2020, broadcasting in New England and North West. Making the move to the Central Coast, Sophie began to report on sport - covering the Mariners 2022/23 A League winning season. Returning home to the Hunter, Sophie is now a NBN Sports Presenter and News Reporter.

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