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Greater Sydney has recorded 44 new cases of COVID-19, with 29 of them infectious while they were in the community.

14 people under 55 with COVID-19 are in hospital, 10 are in ICU.

“This trend has to be turned around, and the only way we can do so is by seeing a decline in numbers,” Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said.

Restrictions for Greater Sydney including the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour will tighten from 5pm today.

  • Outdoor public gatherings are limited to two people (excluding members of the same household)
  • People must stay in their Local Government Area or within 10kms of home for exercise and outdoor
  • Browsing in shops is prohibited, and only one person per household, per day may leave the home for essential shopping.
  • Funerals are limited to ten people in total (this will take effect from July 11).

“Unless there is a dramatic change, unless there is a dramatic turnaround in the numbers, I can’t see how we would be in a position to ease restrictions by next Friday,”

Those in lockdown are only allowed to leave their home for shopping for food or other essential goods (one person only), medical care or compassionate needs, essential work or education, when you cannot do so from home.

“Until we get to zero or close to the zero, we cannot ease restrictions,” the Premier said.

“We don’t want people travelling long distances for exercising.”

“NSW – in fact, no state or nation or any country on the planet can live with the Delta variant when our vaccination rates are so low,” she said.

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