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The St Vincent de Paul Society is asking the community to give generously to its Winter Appeal this year, due to a growing list of families across the state suffering financially.

With many still feeling the impacts of COVID-19 and JobSeeker payments being rolled back, the organisation says it’s helping more people on low incomes being ‘priced out’ of secure places to live.

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO Jack de Groot, says more people are asking for help who haven’t had to before.

“Every time the payment has been cut over the past year, the demand for our help has increased to the point that some are in a position worse than pre-COVID-19,” Mr de Groot said.

“The Federal Government showed it was possible to lift thousands out of poverty by raising JobSeeker, but right now Vinnies is having to fill the gap for people forced to choose between eating every day or having a roof over their head.”

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW President Peter McNamara, is encouraging the community to donate food, clothing or money.

“We’re seeing in various parts of the state that housing has become unaffordable even for families on dual incomes,” he said.

“In Newcastle, for instance, there have been cases of 40-50 people inspecting rental properties with some willing to pay months of rent in advance to secure a home.

The organisation will help more than 350 communities across the state this year.

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Lauren Kempe

Lauren Kempe is a reporter, producer and weather presenter for NBN News in Newcastle. Lauren grew up in the Hunter, and completed a Bachelor of Communication at the University of Newcastle.

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