The NSW Greens are planning to introduce a bill, to tackle what they’ve labelled an ‘air pollution crisis’ in the Upper Hunter in the lead-up to the by-election.
The Clean Air Bill, which will go before parliament on May 5, would force coal fired power stations to cut their emissions so that they’re in line with levels mandated in the USA, Europe and China.
It would also seek to prevent the approval of new or expanded open cut mines in the area, and force coal trains to be covered.
“Currently people who live within 50 kilometres of coal-fired power stations face a risk of
premature death as much as three to four times that of people living further away, with
some of these toxic emissions travelling over 200 kilometres,” said Greens candidate for the Upper Hunter, Sue Abbott.
“In January this year alone, 10 alerts were issued here in the Hunter Valley when air
pollution standards were breached.”
“It’s not good enough, and that’s exactly why we are introducing the Clean Air Bill.”