North West News


Downpours above the drought-ravaged Gwydir catchment in North West NSW has seen one town lift severe water restrictions.

One week ago the bone-dry town of Bundarra was surviving on Level 5 water restrictions.

Today, Uralla Shire Council announced the measures were no more, after heavy rain fell over the town’s raw water source, Taylor’s Pond, last week.

“The higher topography around Bundarra and Inverell has seen higher rainfall totals in those areas” said Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Gabrielle Woodhouse.

Though it’s not all good news for locals, Bundarra residents are still being urged to boil their water due to elevated turbidity in the dam.

The Northern Tablelands has experienced rainfall totals of around 40 millimetres in the past week, and the Bureau of Meteorology says there’s more on the way.

“Rainfall totals will increase in the Northern Tablelands over the next couple of days with Friday and Saturday experiencing intense rain periods,” said Ms Woodhouse.

While the rain is very welcome across the drought-ravaged region, locals are being urged to prepare for flash-flooding.

“The landscape is very dry there at the moment so heavy showers are likely to cause run off.”

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