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As the big dry refuses to let up, water restrictions in the North West are also intensifying.

Chaffey Dam now sits at around 35 percent, with levels expected to fall even further during the next few days.

“That’s the trigger for Tamworth and Moonbi Kootingal to move to level 2 restrictions. So, the Council will be imposing level 2 restrictions as of Monday the 4th of February.”

Tamworth Regional Council says it’s monitoring the situation closely.

“We’re encouraging people to report people who aren’t complying with the restrictions and since we introduced the restrictions on the 14th of January, we’ve had nineteen reports thus far. I would expect that will increase over the next few weeks as we introduce level 2 restrictions.”

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Isobella Evans

Isobella Evans is a journalist with NBN News in Newcastle. After discovering a love for writing in primary school, Bella went on to complete a Bachelor of Communication at the University of Newcastle in 2018. She enjoyed a series of internships, including a gig at the Royal Easter Show, before receiving a position at NBN's Tamworth bureau, where she worked for almost three years before moving to the company's Newcastle office in 2021.

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