The stellar performance from Newcastle Knights players in last night’s State of Origin has left NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell a bit confused.
When talking to the media today, Mr O’Farrell described the State of Origin clash as a battle between “Queensland and Newcastle”.
He made the comments while attacking the decision to host Game 1 of the series in Victoria.
“I still say it’s ridiculous, it’s stupid, it’s unviable to have a Queensland-Newcastle State of Origin match in Melbourne,” he told reporters today in Sydney.
It wasn’t the only Origin gaff made by a government minister – New South Wales suffered another off field blow with Victorian sports minister Hugh Delahunty referring to NSW captain Paul Gallen as Paul Callen and confusing Queensland’s opponent as New Zealand.
But even Mr O’Farrell saw the humour in his error, asking a reporter “did I do a Delahunty?”