Newcastle News

Hundreds have hit Nobbys Beach this morning, in protest of the proposed Adani coal mine in Queensland.
Around 600 people from the Hunter joined in a national Stop Adani movement, using their bodies to create a human sign.
“The Adani coal mine is going to be one of the biggest coal mines in the world, it’s going to drive climate change, destroy communities and the environment.”
“It’s just the epitome of coalmines, just the last act of stupidity that government should get in this day and age.”
Dozens of similar protests have been held across the country today.
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I understand that coal has been incredibly important to Newcastle and the Hunter. Times change. The Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.
The state and federal governments should be spending our tax dollars on re-training former coal industry workers to become the skilled work force we will need for renewable energies. The $1 BILLION dollars the government is thinking of giving to the shonky Adani group to build infrastructure so Adani can make profits should be spent HERE on AUSTRALIANS.
Coal is going the way of the buggy whip – true leadership in government would be helping us to prepare for that, and thrive economically. Stopping Adani means the Great Barrier Reef has a better chance to survive, the ground water Queensland farmers need will not be polluted or used up, the environment won’t be further compromised. This is a no brainer. NO to Adani, STOP ADANI.