Newcastle News


The EPA is investigating suspected under-reporting of toxic pollution from the state’s five large coal-fired power stations, including Eraring and Vales Point.

Bayswater power station is also accused of previously manipulating figures.

It was only required to report pollution from one of its four generation units – and staff were allegedly instructed to supply lower sulphur coal to the unit being monitored, while dirtier coal was burnt in the other three.

AGL bought the plant in 2014, and has since introduced monitoring of all FOUR units.

Meanwhile the Eraring and Vales Point power stations have reported that fine particle emissions had dropped by 60 and 37 per cent respectively in just one year, despite generating more electricity.


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Jane Goldsmith

Jane Goldsmith is a journalist, newsreader and producer based in Newcastle and began working with NBN Television in 2001. Originally from Port Macquarie, Jane has worked in television news and radio and studied at the University of Newcastle.

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