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There were dramatic scenes on the Central Coast this afternoon as a major rescue operation unfolded at Forresters Beach.

A 72-year-old man was bushwalking when he suffered a medical episode, causing him to slip onto rocks below the lookout.

“As the result of his fall he’s sustained some injuries , they were minor in nature but due to the difficult access to the area we called on our Ambulance Helicopter which has a doctor and paramedic on board”

The man was winched to safety and taken to Gosford Hospital in a stable condition.

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One Comment

  1. Hi folks I am the 72 yr male who was lifted out. I’m all OK bar very sore rib cage and bloodied and black left eye. Was discharged from Gosford ED Thursday am. I am T1 diabetic but it was not in fact a medical episode just a ‘slip’ on damp rocks. Can you put in touch with some one from the rescue service/s as I would like to give my thanks and gratitude? Also thanks to my bush club members who gave assistance and raised the call. Harwood Lockton of Cooranbong. 02 4977 1696 / 0468 717 602

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