North West News
If you’re handy with a set of knitting needles Gunnedah’s Red Cross Service wants to hear from you.
It needs volunteers to stitch trauma teddies for the local hospital – to put a smile on little faces doing it tough.
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Where can I get the pattern from for the trauma teddies please
Would love to knit some trauma teddies ?
Would like the patten please so I can start
Hi Karen, to get the pattern, please contact the Gunnedah Red Cross directly. They have given me permission to forward on a contact number: 0488 420 085. Cheers
Hi Caroline, to get the pattern, please contact the Gunnedah Red Cross directly. They have given me permission to forward on a contact number: 0488 420 085. Cheers
Hi Deniece, to get the pattern, please contact the Gunnedah Red Cross directly. They have given me permission to forward on a contact number: 0488 420 085. Cheers