Newcastle News


Newcastle’s iconic swimming spot, the Bogey Hole, may never re-open, with the state government today admitting it may be too dangerous.

It follows a meeting between the Planning Minister and the Member for Newcastle about the site’s future.

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  1. This is abhorent and a complete disregard for the people and the History of Newcastle. This place has been safe for over a hundred years and suddenly, it is allegedly, not safe. B.S. is so apparent. The total area of King Edward Park nearby has slowly been desecrated and changed. First it took three years to remove a rock that then took twenty minutes to get rid of. Then the cliff face nearby was made safe at a cost of a million$ or so. Then, during this time we lost the Annual Mattara Car Hillclimb. This event had been working well for over 50 years on a circuit that the Late Sir Jack Brabham once described as one of the best Hillclimb Circuits in Australia. I understand that the Council and Co. are pushing for a Bather’s Way not to be interupted by the dreaded Automobile, but many of us have enjoyed a drive through King Edward Park, some stopping at the Bogey Hole for a look, some for a Wedding Photo Location second to none and then the Annual Greek Ceremony of the Cross being thrown into the Bogey Hole and the young men swimming to get the cross for a year of celebration and wishes. Is this all going to be lost to the people of Newcastle when the Sydney Govt. and Bureaucrats make a decision. Would not happen in Sydney would it?

  2. Please let this be the last straw Newcastle. … we are getting royally screwed… that bogey hole is our heritage and a right of passage… release the the funds Gladys.

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