Newcastle bus and ferry customers are facing disruptions tomorrow, with a two-hour stoppage planned.
Limited services will run between 11am and 1pm, to allow staff to attend a Transport New South Wales briefing regarding privatisation plans.
There will still be hourly services available for people travelling to and from the John Hunter and Calvary Mater hospitals, on the following routes.
Route 100 – Charlestown to Newcastle via the John Hunter Hospital and the University;
Route 104 – Jesmond to Newcastle via the Calvary Mater Hospital;
Route 224 – Wallsend to Newcastle via the John Hunter Hospital and Adamstown;
Route 226 – Glendale to Broadmeadow via the Calvary Mater Hospital, and;
Route 363 – Warners Bay to Newcastle via Glendale, Cardiff and the John Hunter Hospital.
For further information, visit www.transportnsw.info