Northern Rivers News
Pro-cannabis protestors have voiced their opposition to roadside impairment testing outside Lismore courthouse on Monday.
They argue the tests are inaccurate and are costing too many locals their licenses and livelihoods.
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What about urinalysis that is endorsed by companies Australia wide? It doesn’t measure THC/CBD levels (I.e. Are you actually under the influence), just metabolites so if one was to ingest on their own time (say Saturday night), urinalysis reports positive results up to 2 weeks later (see ndci website for court appointed write up).
This form of testing has ripped apart families for undue cause (especially those companies that cite Zero Tolerance).
Further to note, many users of marijuana are hard working for their employment and are often more reliable than the “clean” employees (you’ll have to google that one as I don’t have a direct link this second).
Forgot to mention, the Vice President of FWC (fair work Australia) wrote up an impressive document that cites urinalysis testing as unfair…