Newcastle News

There’s fresh controversy surrounding a multi-million dollar development at Catherine Hill Bay.
A row has erupted between a Lake Macquarie councillor, and the developer, over an access road that’s vital to the project’s progression.
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Don’t know what the one way out issue is with CHB – there has only been one way out of Murrays Beach for the past 5 years.
Biggest worry with Catherine Hills residents is they live in tiny workmen shacks. They are panicking as they will be putting on sewerage up there as well they will not know what to do. They will see beautiful new mansions and
people with magnificient bathrooms and they will have to renovate or detonate their homes. They do not own the land but love to tell everyone what to do.
I’m struggling to understand what Sue is trying to say.
What does sewerage have to do with the road closure?
What does peoples bathrooms have to do with the road closure?
People who bought heritage miners cottages knew what the were buying so I don’t see what the road closure has to do with owning a miners cottage.
Seems like the argument changes as the previous one runs out of steam.