Meet the candidates vying for the seat of Newcastle (in ballot paper order).
Michael was born in Newcastle and, apart from a few years working overseas on aid projects, has lived in Newcastle all his life. He is a planning engineer with management qualifications. He co-founded the Green Corridor Coalition, an alliance dedicated to protecting biodiversity corridors and has been involved with the Newcastle Wilderness Society for more than 30 years.
He was elected as a Greens Councillor for Newcastle Council in March 2004, is the chair of the Environment Committee and has served several periods as Deputy Lord Mayor.
Michael is keen for Newcastle to be positioned to take advantage of the opportunities of the future.
If elected, Michael will work with the Newcastle community to develop a consensus document outlining our aspirations.
This would be our Plan to take advantage of the clean energy future, to increase investment in education and research at the Hunter TAFE and our university and provide jobs for the next generation.
The Plan will outline how we will achieve a network of safe, connected cycleways, a vibrant city with a diverse night life, an integrated public transport system and development that respects Newcastle’s unique skyline.
Michael is keen to set a high level of integrity in office, to help clean up NSW politics and build a more caring society.
As a Newcastle wheelchair taxi driver I see the vulnerable falling through the cracks and I care, for them. My plan is reinstate rail to Newcastle Station on an open track with wholesome family friendly development of our city. Building our trains and ships here will create jobs, enhancing tourism with a multi-purpose shipping passenger terminal at Honeysuckle linked with steam trains tours through the valley will give many increased business opportunities.
Governments must care for the vulnerable – the frail aged, those with disabilities, the vision impaired, those in wheelchairs, the unemployed, those recovering from addictions, the homeless – with fully interconnected and effective transport options and a redeveloped city that welcomes families and all the community and visitors creating employment and business opportunities.
Trust in leadership has been found wanting by the major parties and the strong moral code of the CDP gives assurance that it is the people first and second. Government must protect its income source and selling Government businesses undermines future income stream but creates further cost to be covered by increased taxes No! to the sale of poles and wires. The expansion of coal is a strong threat to the continued passenger services into the valley from Newcastle. Passenger trains must have priority over all freight trains.
Karen Howard is a Mum, an entrepreneur and a highly respected businesswoman who has lived in the Hunter Valley all her life, and in Newcastle for the past 25 years. She established a small business 15 years ago and for the past 10 years has tirelessly committed her time as a director on Not For Profit and community boards.
Karen believes that this election is a defining moment for our city and that there is a clear choice at this election for Newcastle. Only the Liberals will deliver light rail.
Karen supports the Baird Government’s plan for revitalising Newcastle, and commits to delivering a Light Rail Service, transformation of the heritage-listed Newcastle Station into a market/arts/culture Centre, an Entertainment Quarter at Queens Wharf and family-friendly places along the foreshore. If elected, she will work closely with the Council and the State Government to ensure that community voices are heard.
Karen is told every day by people of all ages and from all parts of our communities, that they are sick of hearing the negative No, they want us to get on with the job of providing a vibrant city for our future generations to enjoy.
Karen believes that Newcastle is on the cusp of something truly wonderful and we need a voice within Government to ensure our community is heard.
Sam is a recently retired geologist and mining consultant, originally from the USA but with over 30 years in Australia. He has a long-held passion for cycling as transport, for long distance touring as well as commuting. Safe cycling networks have a transformative beneficial effect on the urban environment, and reduce road and parking congestion whilst increasing public health and well being. Sam has held the position of Secretary of the Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc. (his local Bicycle Users Group) for several years, and is on the Steering Committee of the coordinating group of the CycleSafe Network initiative currently being promoted for the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie LGAs. He has previously served six years as National Treasurer of the Ulysses Club, and on several other boards of management.
The Australian Cyclists Party stands for greater transparency in government and a fairer and more open electoral funding model. We oppose the sale of productive government assets if the proceeds are only to be squandered on unproductive and loss-making roads projects. Improved public transport and a serious approach to safe cycling infrastructure will have a far more beneficial impact on the community at lower initial outlay.
Sam is married with three stepdaughters and three grandchildren, and pursues his other interests (guitar, harmonica and photography) in what little time is left over from cycling and family.
With unemployment at over 10 per cent we need to make the transition to renewable energy and away from coal now! We have the workers, the skills and the facilities to build renewable energy equipment, wind turbines and solar components, locally and replace jobs being lost in coal. I worked at the steelworks for 10 years and believe that we need to continue to build public transport infrastructure here (rail carriages, ferries etc.) and to start projects such as the Eastern Seaboard Fast Train. Frequent, free and fast public transport, cycleways and restoring our rail service are essential to a post-coal economy.
I now work in education and support a well-funded TAFE and an expanded university sector. Education, training and research into new manufacturing are vital for the creation of long-term employment. I also support public sector jobs. In contrast, the Baird government wants to sack our highly skilled and dedicated disability workers, privatise TAFE, replace our public health system with expensive private clinics and sell-off power transmission. Socialist Alliance is an alternative to the privatisation agenda of both Liberal and Labor and to their plans to turn the Hunter into one vast mine that will threaten our environment and our future.
I am married with four children. I have a Bachelor of Business and Masters of International Studies. I have had a wide variety of employment experience in the public and private sectors. I have been: a Newcastle City Councillor for seven years; a board member of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter for the five years; and a Northern Settlement Services board member for two years.
If re-elected I will:
- Guarantee that $750m from the sale of our port will be invested in revitalising the Newcastle CBD and funding infrastructure in the Hunter.
- Create local jobs and promote Newcastle as an international destination by building a world class convention centre in the heart of Newcastle;
- Commit to saving the Newcastle Rail Line, adding more car and pedestrian crossings and beautify the rail corridor.
- Invest in revitalising the Newcastle CBD including increased landscaping, widening and upgrading footpaths, dedicated cycle lanes, bus stop enhancements and new signage.
- Fixing the Adamstown level crossing; Partner with Newcastle City Council to complete the $21 million Newcastle Art Gallery Redevelopment.
I have a positive plan for Newcastle and I want to see our children grow up in the healthy, vibrant and smart city we deserve. Newcastle’s future should be shaped by the people who live here, not dictated by Sydney.