North West News

Players from North Armidale have been cited following a brawl in the 81st minute of their clash against Tamworth FC on Saturday.
Northern Inland Football has received an official complaint about the conduct of the Redmen’s ground official and two players.
“There was a comment made about my wife, my son’s obviously mother, from their goalkeeper and that’s how. It was an unsavoury comment, it comes out of the gutter.”
A special board meeting has been called tonight to consider the matter.
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8.1 A Referee may take action against a Team Official who fails to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and may expel the Team Official from the field of play and its surroundings, including the substitute’s bench.
As the home team it was Tamworth FC’s responsibility to ensure that the expelled were kept away from “the field of play and it’s surroundings”
This begs the question, why we’re these expelled Tamworth FC team officials allowed behind the opposing teams goal in the first place, they certainly should not have been close enough to hear what the goalkeeper allegedly said.
This debacle could have been avoided if the Tamworth FC ground official had done his/her job.
Why do you accept this behaviour Tamworth FC? You are role models to our youth, you should be setting a good example not teaching them that violence is acceptable if something “unsavoury” is said.
Hang your heads in shame Tamworth FC
I am a parent of a young soccer player in Tamworth and am writing to say to say how appauled and disgusted I was after witnessing the game involving Tamworth FC on the weekend. I took my boy home after the incident shocked and amazed that this sort of thing can happen in a game of football. Honestly something MUST be done about this club..Lets look at previous years and count how many times this club has been involved in fights, abuse, suspensions and I feel that the weekends incident has confirmed to all that something must be done.
This is a first grade coach, founder of this so called club running onto the paddock and assaulting players regardless of what was said or who said what, officials and players or families for that matter cannot take matters into ther own hands and run onto the field….I think we need to look at this coaches and his families record over the past years, well it speaks for itself and after looking at the disciplinary sheet on NIF website he was already suspended for another incident but was still allowed to coach????? After talking with the soccer community over the last couple of days, some which have been around a long time watching football in Tamworth, they have never seen or witnessed anything like this before..By calling themselves Tamworth FC puts a bad name against Tamworth football in general.
I cant see the post I just wrote??????? Cmon guys….let the public say what they want, what Ive said is the truth, I have witnessed it first hand over the years ………Lets stop protecting the guilty!!!!