Reputations continue to crumble in the Independent Commission Against Corruption, as the inquiry focuses on illegal donations to the 2011 election campaign in Newcastle.
Newcastle Liberal MP Tim Owen took the witness stand for the first time today, and from the first question admitted he had received donations by banned donors, including a long list of Hunter developers.
It was a major backflip, after telling media in May “I had no knowledge of any funding irregularities in my campaign.”
Counsel Assisting Geoffrey Watson asked “You now believe prohibited donors contributed to your campaign?
Tim Owen replied “correct”.
He admitted developers Keith Stronach, Buildev, Hilton Grugeon, Jeff McCloy, Bill Saddington and David Mingay all contributed to his 2011 state campaign.
Mr Owen told the ICAC, Keith Stronach wanted to contribute and he had told Keith he didn’t have a problem with that, as long as it was legal.
Later, the ICAC was told that an invoice was made out to Mr Stronach’s Newcastle Yachting Pty Ltd – a separate entity used to pay the bill.
In relation to all illegal donations, Mr Owen said “I didn’t really understand the rules… I was naive… and frankly, if I had my time again, you obviously would not do that.”
Mr Owen told the ICAC that Campaign Manager Hugh Thomson and Mike Gallacher were managing the donations. He said “I had the Shadow Minister for Police and an ex-Police Officer.. and a lawyer (Mr Thomson). I took from them, that was the way the business was going.”
In relation to illegal donations by Buildev, the ICAC was told the company not only paid Mr Owen’s staffer Josh Hodges but also made much larger donations.
Mr Owen said “They got nothing out of me, I can tell you.”
While he wasn’t in attendance, Federal MP Bob Baldwin was also drawn into today’s proceedings… An email trail between David Sharpe from Buildev to Bob Baldwin read… “Thanks Bob, letter looks good.”
Mr Baldwin had written a letter in April 2011 regarding the proposal by Hunter Ports for an open access coal export terminal on part of former BHP site and urged Chris Hartcher, then NSW Minister for Energy and Resources, to “provide immediate in-principle support for the project.”
Tim Owen agreed with Counsel Assisting “the process looks crook doesn’t it?”.
His evidence will continue after a short lunch break.
New ICAC witness list includes Robyn Parker, Rolly Dewith, Paul Murphy, Nick Dan and Tracy McKelligott – they will all appear on Friday.
More details from Sydney’s ICAC hearing at 6pm and follow Jane Goldsmith on Twitter @janegoldnbn