Newcastle News

Two Hunter Valley towns steeped in mining history are now worried for their economic future after yesterday’s news that 500 mining jobs are on the line.
For towns riding on the back of the coal boom for so long, the news is devastating.
What about singleton?? I would really like to see an accurate story on the number of jobs in total that have been lost over the last 12-18 months in the hunters mining industry and the flow on to all the support companies. The number of local singleton people who lost their jobs last week I think would surely out weigh kurri and cessnock. Our town is slowly dying just ask any business in town. 18 months ago you couldn’t get a room or a rental in town anywhere (not even in a local pub) now they are all empty and many struggling to keep their doors open. Houses have stopped selling and you can have your pick of rentals. Singleton is a very nervous town these days and it’s all most people can talk about. We are right in the thick of it yet we never seem to get a mention. Just food for thought??
Hi Lisa!
Thanks for the comment we will take a look into it.