Gold Coast News


Tensions reached boiling point at Helensvale Rubbish Tip this morning, as dozens of rural residents protested the closure of Maudsland Tip.

The rally caused traffic chaos, which protestors claim, is a taste of things to come.

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  1. With the closure of Maudsland WTC and the Suntown Green Waste Facility Helensvale can expect an additional 500+ cars a day during peak periods. Helensvale’s expansion will also have to absorb it’s own current green waste facility, as it too will be closing. Council’s plan allows little to cater for excess load and nothing for future growth in the area.

    This past week, Council officers via Cr William owen-Jones, have also stated that they plan to run the expanded Helensvale facility with only existing staff. This will greatly impact on sites efficiency and be a major blow to public safety.

    They also stated that they intend to run the facility on just one truck and will store waste on-site until it can be transported. This is of course doomed to fail, but this is council’s attempt to justify some pretty dodgy “proposed savings” in relation to Maudsland Tip.

  2. Way to go ‘no show’ councillor Gilmore – you’re gone at the next election, what a flake of a representative you’ve turned out to be.

  3. Gilmore? Gone……….we’ve said it before….all the posturing does nothing, actions speak volumes. Disgraceful

  4. This council is taking away from residents a core service we pay rates for and they are obligated to provide LOCAL POLICE have clearly stated someone will be killed as direct result of councils actions on FORCING kerb bin collection onto unsafe roads.One councillor just spent $27000 of public money on FAIRY LIGHTS and voted to shut the tip The PEOPLE NEED THIS TIP
    and council doesnt care one bit when SOMEONE GETS KILLED
    GILMORE…GET OUT no guts no support nothing more than a tea party girl instead of doing the job you are paid for


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