CANDIDATE Q & A – Hadden Ervin, Christian Democratic Party candidate for Dobell
What motivated you to run for the seat of Dobell?
I was invited by CDP members to run as the representative for our Party in Dobell. I am passionate about the issues that face families in our region. I thought the best outlet for this was to be involved in the political process to have a say for the people of the coast and stand up for the values that have made Australia great.
Is this the first time you have run for federal politics?
No. in the 07 election I ran for Family First.
What skills do you think you can bring to the role?
Unlike most politicians who have been on the government or union payroll for years, my background is in home based, small business. I have been self-employed for 15 years, as a licensed motor dealer, and vehicle broker. I know the tremendous challenges that have faced breadwinners on the coast over the last 5 years and I intend to do what it takes to see things change.
I am also a committed Christian, and bring the values from my faith to the political arena as well.
What do you think is the biggest issue in the electorate?
I think the biggest issue is the economy and stimulating opportunity for local employment and business here on the coast.
What would be your main priority is elected?
I would like to see a balance between protecting our magnificent environment and seeing the coast become an employment hub.
Secondly there are major social issues circling at the moment – the issue of Marriage Definition is massive and I want to assure voters that I and my party will stand for real marriage as it has always been, between a Man and
a Woman.I also want to stand up for the 60000 – 100000 Unborn Australians who are killed every year in abortion clinics, they have a right to live.
Why should people vote for you?
Voting for me will be a vote for the environment, for opportunity, for life, family and marriage. I encourage voters to consider CDP as a sensible alternative.
How do you rate your chances of winning?
I’m hopeful for a major upset for the big parties!
What will be your biggest challenge in this election?
Balancing my time. With the busy pre-election preparations – my young family (Wife Charlotte, Blake 5, David 3, Isaac 2, Kristie 1), and managing a small business, time is pretty short.
Who will you be preferencing?
We will be preferencing the Liberal Party
VIEWER QUESTION FROM RACHAEL GLASSON: What will you do to help first home buyers? Currently there is only assistance if you buy a brand new home. However, not many first home buyers can afford a ‘new home.’
I agree – who can afford a new home? Owning your own home is the dream of most families, I intend to support work opportunities for breadwinners, so they can save enough to get into the home market. I do also support incentives for first home buyers.