Central Coast NewsNewcastle News

The Teachers Federation has joined the Greens in condemning a partnership between a Hunter mining company and a high school.
Nucoal wants to set up a mining academy on the Central Coast, and if successful, the concept could find its way further north.
Just who is running the Public Education system in NSW? The mining industry or the government (who incidentally, are obliged by the NSW constitution to run it!) This is an appalling dereliction of duty by the NSW Coalition government of their role as the provider of free, secular education to all children of school age in this state.
Debate has been raging about sea level rises for years. Narara High School is flooded on a regular basis from lack of natural drainage. How dumb to invite Nucoal to enter agreement. Next door in Wyong we have been fighting a Korean coal proposal that will undermine our fresh water supplies for the whole Coast. Does this school operate in a cone of silence?Is this academia at its best or just a grab for funds. How unscientific and confronting to the wider populace. Nucoal has been questioned by ICAC re Doyles Creek/Maules Creek mines and the Ian Macdonald connection. Nucoal needs a clean image. This school is dumb to take part in such an arangement.Will they invite opponents into the school to regularly debate coal and climate change, the CSIRO papers and the world scientific view?