Northern Rivers News
Anti-Coal Seam Gas protesters have rallied outside Local Government Minister Don Page’s office in Ballina, claiming he’s ignored the concerns of the community.
It comes after the state government lifted the ban on the controversial fracking process.
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The National Party’s support for CSG mining in the Northern Rivers is a total disgrace. Why are they selling out our future for short term mining profits. The gas wells only last 5 years and then they move on. We are left with rusty, methane leaking gas wells dotted all over the land where there were once productive farms and pristine water aquifers. How can National Party MP’s in the Northern Rivers vote in favour of CSG? What does the National Party stand for?
I think it is very short sighted of the National Party, they are only thinking of today and NOT tomorrow.
In most cases these people have children and Grand Children with the prospect of Great Grand Children, they are obviously not thinking of their future.
A Great example of how human society is now driven by the Mighty Dollar !!!!
There is no way that our joint State and Federal government’s are acting in the best interest of the country. Why not you may ask?
The answer is straight forward and that is look at the real outcomes of the USA C.S.G. communities.We don’t have to wait for the ” science ” first as they always bark back at us when their decisions are challenged.
The industry is unacceptable and is little different to the Nuke industry, run by a blind selfish club of people that could change and save the Earth if they had the vision and courage to do so.
It is almost to late to save the crumbling enviroment and social negatives greed and ignorance have manufactured in the Energy industries.
Ray Cowell
EDUCATION and promotion thereof of the health and eco issues in creative ways, WILL undermine even the best CSG corruption and heavy handed economic fundamentalism of govt attitudes and their bedfellow mining mates… “Get Up Stand Up and Don’t Give Up the FIGHT…!!!!”