10 QUESTIONS WITH PETER BLACKMORE – Maitland Mayoral Candidate

1. You’ve been a long serving Mayor, what led you to run again?
I know that I can provide the leadership required and being part of a great team of Council staff, officers and elected persons supported by the community of Maitland ,continues to make us “The Can Do City.”
2. Who of the other candidates is your biggest competition this time around?
Each candidate provides strong competition in every election.
3. If elected again is there anything that you would do differently?
It would be a backwards step to change direction with a progressive city and council for the sake of change sake.
4. Maitland is a fast growing city, how can council best handle the demands of that?
Staying ahead of the growth through the Maitland Urban Settlement Strategy,
Identifying our infrastructure needs through our studies in relation to
– Transport
– Recreation
– Youth Needs
– Community Facilities.
We must keep pressure on State & Federal Governments seeking funding for Infrastructure projects to assist growth.
The need to stick to our adopted plans for the long term growth and development of our city.
5. What do you think will be Maitland’s biggest challenge in the future?
Maintaining good working relationships with both State and Federal Governments.
The need to stick to our plans for the long term growth and development of the city given that our population of 72000 is expected to double over the next 20 years.
6. What would be your main priority if elected again?
To continue the leadership of a combined team working with the community to ensure that Maitland is a “Can Do” city which provides confidence, opportunity, security and vision.
7. What is your biggest challenge in winning this election?
Maintaining the support and confidence of the residents of Maitland and the maintenance of a good combined winning team of Council staff and councillors.
8. Why should rate payers have faith in you?
We have a proven record of leadership in Local Government amongst the Councils in the Hunter. We are a strong partnership between the elected members of the council, the Senior Management, staff members and the community.
9. How would you rate the performance of the current council and what would you change?
Our End of Term Report indicates that we have an outstanding current council which would be the envy of each Local Government area in the Hunter.
I do not see the need to change for change sake – only to continue to improve.
10. How do you rate your chances of winning the election?
This will be determined by the electors in Maitland on September 8 this year.