10 QUESTIONS WITH KEN PAXINOS – Lake Macquarie Mayoral Candidate

1. What led you to run for Mayor?
I have a strong passion for a well-managed, professional council organisation. To deliver this takes more than a wish or an agenda. Effective leadership is a talent that requires training, skill and experience. I am confident that I can lead an effective and focused council through what is shaping to be a challenging future.
2. You’re running as a Liberal, do you think the party’s success in the last state election will help your chances?
As a local government candidate I run under the Liberal banner to openly display my political allegiance. The Liberal Party does not dictate specific policy on local government matters, rightly leaving it individual councillors to engage with the community and make the best decision for their neighbourhood. The benefits of knowing & having ready contact with the Premier & State Ministry are very real, as many local issues are State related. Yes, as a Liberal party member I have a real advantage over non-aligned candidates who have no path to the decision makers within State Government.
3. You served as a councillor in 2004-2008 how do you think this experience will help you?
Absolutely. A Mayoral candidate without councillor experience would face a steep learning curve to appreciate the scope and depth of responsibility and the strict protocols governing council meetings and activities. Also the challenge of managing 12 councillors who invariably will have very varied political affiliations.
4. Given that you have left council, would you have problems working with the team if you were to be mayor?
This election looks set to appoint a minimum of 6 new councillors. The team will be a fresh mix facing whoever becomes Mayor. I had no issues in working with all councillors during my term and see the ability to appreciate different viewpoints and ideologies as essential to an engaged and efficient council.
5. What is the first thing you would change in Lake Macquarie if elected?
It may appear trivial to some, however as a Christian I would reinstate the Prayer prior to council sessions. This was removed by the current Mayor at the commencement of his term in 2004. I believe we need to accept all guidance possible and what better way to start each deliberation than inviting divine presence. It is of course up to individual councillors and staff as to how they personally reconcile with this. (Aside from this) I do not believe the Mayor has special rights to dictate specific policy…he or she leads a group of elected representatives and decisions should rightly be a majority consensus.
6. What would be your main priority if elected?
My main priority is to establish a workable and functional council. We have this currently and it is critical this is maintained as the essential enabler to an efficient and decisive council. Issues will come and go however it is our ability to address them in a timely and cohesive manner that will determine councils worth.
7. What is your biggest challenge in winning this election?
It is easy and logical for residents to think of specific issues and local agenda’s when lodging their vote. These will come and go however a responsible, honest Mayor and councillor body are the key to a sustainable council capable of addressing current issues and the many more that will appear. Vote for professional and experienced leadership, not the candidate with the biggest list of promises.
8. A prominent issue in the Lake Macquarie area is sea level rise, are you annoyed that the Liberal State Government can’t help rate payers with the expense?
I think it is a little premature to talk of expenses related to sea level rises. The sea is yet to rise! I think the actions of the current council, albeit claiming to follow State Government policy, in tagging property titles with sea level predictions and influencing development based on this, is an over-reaction and any message of concern for land owners could have been delivered in a manner that does not today impact their lifestyle or finances over something that may or may not eventuate as predicted.
9. How would you rate the performance of the current council and what would you change?
One measure of council performance is to compare them to neighbouring councils. In this regard Lake Macquarie has avoided the infighting between councillors & between staff and councillors. I believe our engagement with the community is sound and, although always room for improvement, our operating and management costs are amongst the lowest per head in the State. Having training and experience as an accountant I will work with the General Manager to ensure our management practices and discretionary expenses are closely monitored and the most efficient possible.
10. How do you rate your chances of winning the election?
I present myself as a candidate serious about continuing the good governance Lake Macquarie City has experienced. There are five alternative candidates each working hard to convince residents they and their policies are the best – I cannot presume to know how the numbers will fall. I will accept and support the outcome unreservedly.
if you got voted mayor what would you do to help the lake.