Gold Coast News

There are fresh calls for the Gold Coast Mayor to resign following the “water windfall” debacle.
The Gold Coast Ratepayers Association says Ron Clarke should step aside for wasting ratepayers money.
I persoally think that this councill should be completely disbandened ,they have no consieration for battleing families or elderly people,remember they your wages,without us you have nothing,you should be thinking and giving a good
thought for the ratepayers.People are working hard to make ends meet,they
have to balance their budgets,not just go to work to give thses people the joys
of good wages.motor vehicle,and all the good life they think they entitled to,i for
one against this levy ( called transport levy ) and all the levies they put on people
it’s about time these overpaid people use their brains instead of bringing people down. Since our good Mayor and Ceo have decided that they are and should be
above all ratepayers and just say payup and shut up,thank god threr is one in council that thinks of the ratepayers.
where can I join the Gold Coast Ratepayers Association? Im fed up, my rates have doubled and Im struggling for survival with the cost of living only to watch the council waste our money. Stop the waste and reduce our rates!!!!!
I am a rate payer disgusted with the wasteage of this council and the ineptitude of the mayor. I would like to join the Gold Coast Ratepayers Association. But no internet search comes up with a contact address or number or email!!!
If anybody reads this and knows where to contact them, an email would be appreciated. I will try approaching council as well, but they are hardly likely to be helpful. If the Ratepayers Association are serious, they should at least feature on a search engine.
Thanks in anticipation.
Chris Weston
I believe this council CEO and Nayor are ,ore than useless. They are a threat to the financial security of this city.
They show utter contempt towards the ratyepayer, and towards the delivery of good value service. They appear to hold themselves above all others and act with impunity.
I continue to request their resignations and will do so long as there is breath in my body.
They are not liked, not respected and nit wanted. THEY MUST GO.
My name is Scott Allen and I have founded the GC Ratepayers Asscn to put the broom through this council.
Our advantage is that we have “Strength in Unity” we must be a united voice !
SERACH. www.
I believe this council CEO and Mayor are more than useless. They are a threat to the financial security of this city.
They show utter contempt towards the ratyepayer, and towards the delivery of good value service. They appear to hold themselves above all others and act with impunity.
I continue to push for their resignations and will do so long as there is breath in my body.
They are not liked, not respected and not wanted. THEY MUST GO.
My name is Scott Allen and I have founded the GC Ratepayers Asscn to put the broom through this council.
Our advantage is that we have “Strength in Unity” we must be a united voice !
SERACH. www.
It is patently obvious from the actions of both Clarke and Dickson that they have not the slightest interest in listening to their masters, the Gold Coast ratepayer.
They both appear to think that they are the masters and the poor ratepayers are their slaves, to be treated with contempt or like wayward children. Their patronising self serving ineptitude and arrogance will not be tolerated for much longer. The groundswell of resistance is getting stronger day by day as facts are gathered by the long suffering ripped off folk who have had enough. The sudden manifestation of $40 million dollars is a further insult to our intelligence, in the wake of relentless criticism and demands for their resignation. This unholy pair have no idea of how far their actions are from the true rules of law under the Australian constitution. Andrew Fraser got it right, calling Clarke a liar, as so many others have done beforehand. Unity is strength, so support the Gold Coast Ratepayers Association in any way possible to get rid of this pathetic mob
Scott Allen has done a great job as President, and started the ball rolling so lets run with it for everyones sake. See you all on Thursday, Sept. 30th at the Albert Waterways hall Broadbeach, to show the council what the ratepayers really think!
Liz Orchard – vice president GC Ratepayers Assoc. Inc.
I have not yet had any response from the legal eagles at QBM lawyers acting for the GCCC in over a month to a simple question re my rates for 4 properties. They were asked on my behalf to show how my rates were calculated by giving me true costings of services provided by the council to justify their massive rates increases since 2006 and 2007 to now. I wanted to know just how much they spent on actual services including gst, how much interest I had been charged etc. I noticed that my rates notices had no GST component, and that the GCCC has an ABN, therefore they can only charge for services they pay GST on. So far no news or response. The ATO doesnt charge GST on tax paid, because its not a service, they are collecting tax. So how do councils charge for rates without GST??? Are they collecting another tax??? If so, they are going directly against the votes of almost 70% of the Australian population in the 1988 Federal referendum, which clearly rejected the right of any council to collect taxes as a tiier of Govt. In my opinion the GCCC has no right to arbitrarily levy charges and rip everyone off to justify their own bureaucracy with an illegal tax disguised as rates. Good luck to the Ratepayers association, and tough luck for Clarke & Co. who are a bunch of fraudsters, again, just my opinion. I will be at the next ratepayers meeting with bells on. Glenn Matthew
Just read in todays Bulletin that our Council has approved more than $500 million
in Building projects.New Council offices at Robina costing up to $224 million and they have already bought the land.Then $284 million for a Cultural precint at Evandale. our Council did not consult with the Residents of the Goldcoast ,who I am sure would find far better ways to spend that kind of money.
Mayor Ron Clarke used his casting vote to push the new Robina Administration centre through. Shame on you Mayor Clarke.
Jill Dumenil
I am appalled at the way the heads of this council just go ahead and spend rate payers monies without a second thought on whether they can afford it. As usual the monies quoted for the new council buildings at Robina will blow out to double before they have finished. Please get behind the Goldcoast Ratepayers Association, then we can put a strong voice forward so they will start listening. They can’t keep spending what they don’t have. They need to be held accountable personally for the waste eg Tiplers etc,etc,etc, maybe then they would think twice if they were sued personally for some of this waste.
It is not just the mayor that should go but Dale Dickson who gets paid an obscene amount of money to use his power to spend our money on eg. giving the councillors a pay rise (that most of them didn’t want but were told that they had to accept or lose their job or something similiar!) building a new headquarters for council that is not needed and the list goes on…. and now they are in surplus of 20-40 million $ of ratepayers money….Come on Gold Coast residents I know we are all busy but unless there is a physical presence we will not change anything – PEOPLE POWER changes things you just have to look at what happens in some overseas countries like England and Thailand they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in!
The council just want us all to just sit back and say and do nothing. When it comes to the rate payers and the rate payers association they just want to say and do nothing as well. They wont respond to anybody or assocation as they just want us to disappear and be good little rate payers. We all have to stand up to them that they need to take notice of up. United we stand and strength in unity
As a rate payer on the Gold Coast I am very suprised that this council have not been tossed out on their ear a long time ago.
They are more and more on the nose every day.
The fault lies with the systemic problems of the council organisation AND therefore it rests firmly with the CEO Dale Dickson, “Mr Secret Squirrel”
The affairs of Council are under his direct control, not councilors, they just tow the party line for their own good. The problems would not be there if the CEO was even half capable. He clearly is not the right person for the job.
The old saying about an organisation that is rotten and that relates to, A fish rots from the head down. Stop the rot. stop the CEO.
As a ratepayer they work for us not the other way around.
The CEO must be replaced.
I’m a rate payer on the Gold Coast and I think this Gold Coast City Council needs to get back to the basics of why they are there. To provide what the ratepayers want not to build a hugely profitable business corporation. Local council is NOT a private enterprise business! These people seem to be a law unto themselves and are on a continual spending spree. Even providing ‘interest free loans’! With the GFC things are tough out here and slow to recover and people are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. When times are tough, this should be reflected in council spending and vice versa! Time to get this mob out and start afresh with people who care about and listen to who pays their weekly salaries.
I applaud Scott Allen’s initiative in forming the Gold Coast Ratepayers’ Association, but to be effective its website – – needs to be up and running NOW.
Momentum is being lost by having an “under construction” website several days after the public meeting at Albert Waterways Hall. People who were unable to attend (like me), but who are interested in what transpired, could quickly become disenchanted by the lack of information.
The website needs a news section, a message board, a members’ area, and more attention to detail … for example the website’s source code title is “Gold Coast Rate Payers Assiciation”. That won’t do it any favours with Google searches!
If you are serious about taking on the council the best advice would be to get serious yourselves!
So ………. what did happen at Thursday’s meeting???
Here’s a new forum for Gold Coast ratepayers –
For Zoe.
If you would like information on Thursday nights meeting you only need to ask, you are savvy enough to find the website even if it is only a holding page.
Granted, the web site was intended to be running before the meeting.
The holding page DOES have an email address that would be a direct source of info.
As for “if we are serious about taking on council, we need to get serious ourselves!”
WHAT have you done in 5 weeks ? you didn’t write to us, you didn’t come to the meeting.
When the web site is active I hope there is a tab for “knockers & detractors” when that tab opens it shows an exit.
At the end of the day Zoe I don’t owe you anything.
I too am a Gold Coast ratepayer sick of the council wasting our hard earned money and not listening to our concerns
Please add us to your mailing list Scott and what can we do to help?
***RATEPAYERS DO YOU KNOW what is happening right here on the Gold Coast!! Gold Coast City Council is forcing people to pay for public infrastructure by means of a “special Levy” charge added to our rate notice, this amount varies from $3,000 to $40,000 per household!! Do you know how you could afford to pay a bill like this?? You could receive the bill next!!! Please help fight against this happening by supporting us.
1. Go to our website and sign the new petition.
2. “Like us” on Facebook and send to all your friends- Northern Gold Coast LevyActionGroupInc.
3.Meet with us at Bundall Council Chambers on Monday 1st Nov at 10.30am to show your support and objection to these Levies.
4. Meeting at Helensvale Community Centre Discovery Drive 31st October all attend GOLD COAST RATE PAYERS ASS. 12pm-2pm following 2pm-3pm Gold Coast Levy Action Group.
Ron Clarke you should be ashamed of yourself!! For all your supposed “Looking after the Ratepayers” What have you done for the everyday men and women of the Gold Coast absolutely nothing thats what. Up go our rates, Up go our Water Bills and what do we get from you a big fat ZERO.
I can’t wait for the next election and you and all your cronies who sit back take their big pay checks will be out.. Bring It On.
I for one am disgusted in a man who did alot for our country in the sporting field and nothing else maybe you should have kept on running Ron!!!!!!!
I would like to enter for the position as Mayor in the next election can anyone interested please contact me on the above email address, does anyone know if the registrations have gone in yet ? I was a small business man in Melbourne for many years until my health demanded that I live on the Gold coast I love the Gold Coast but in the 10 years we have lived here the changes have been dramatic to say the least, people of the Gold Coast do not seem to enjoy the Gold Coast anymore they are all preoccupied working longer hours to pay the living costs here in QLD . I will show why you should vote for me as Mayor in the coming days
V Bentham