Northern Rivers Sport

The confusion continues over the winner of the Summerland AFL grand final.
Later this week, an independent judging panel will view NBN footage of a goal scored right on the buzzer, that has the game’s winner in doubt.
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Easy for fans to request a rematch, but the players have just drank non stop from Saturday through to mad Monday.
Of course lismore have won. I didn’t see the game live but this video clearly shows the ball was kicked before the siren. Also you can see when the ball has left the boot and the umpire clearly has not raised his hands. i don’t know what byron are thinking, they clearly lost. well done lismore! Finally premiers after 25 years
I was at the game what a spectacle at the end, I wonder how you can dispute the umpires decision however, do you go back through the game and check all decisions that resulted in goals or points through-out the game as these may have decided the score too, not just the final kick, It may be hard for lismore to accept but the umpires decision is final and thee is no 3rd umpire, anyway a good game to watch
Does the ball go through the goals on the full or does it hit the ground, if it hits the ground after the umpires whistle its a dead ball i thought and from what i see the ball doesnt go through on the full
actually dave the ball doesnt need to go thru on the full if u read the rule book – 12.1.1 – ” a goal is scored when the football is kicked completely over the goal line by a player of the attacking team without being touched by any other player even if the football first touches the ground”. honeslty does any think we have not done our homework??? and for those who say we are whinging about the umpiring – u are quite wrong – we are disputing the fact that we too were awarded the win if that decision had stayed and taken the win from bryon they too would be questioning the rules of the game – no doubt about it!!!
and to u peter if we actually went back thru all dodgy decisions made by the umpires i think u would still find your team in trouble!!!
and before u all accuse me of being biased – yes i am absolutely biased – but at the end of the day if byron won fair and square i would applaud them – unlike some of the byron supporters who have been shooting their mouths off at our players in the street.
there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people from byron’s side of the fence being nothing but insulting and foul mouthed – why dont u put your real names on here so we know who u are?????
For the record Peter the game was initally awarded to Lismore, the Byron celebrations were based on the assumption of victory. The controlling umpire immediately following the siren approached and conferred with the goal umpire before awarding the goal handing Lismore the win, it was only after consultation with the other umpire the goal was revoked. Both teams have every right to be angry but certainly the animosity should not be directed at each other because both teams deserve to hold their heads high after such a quality culmination to a wonderfully competitive season.
Yes w know the rule about goals kicked but what about after the umpire has signaled the end of the game does that means play stops or continues till someone touches the ball Obviously if the umpire signals the end of play a player is not going to race over and touch a ball on the ground ( the ball was on the ground when the umpire signaled full time it hadnt gone through for a goal
well said ian most of the players and supporters would agree with u.
I seem to recall an incident of a druggie coach sueing a byron spectater, is this feud still simmering, as I sense alot of hate amongst opposing teams,, by the way I’m not a byron supporter
Everyone is going to have their opinion…at the end of the day it’s our(yes, I am a Swan)right to have this incident viewed by an impartial panel of judges to determine the real outcome, no matter what that might be.
Imagine working your ass off all season, training hard, sustaining injuries and the abuse from the sidelines as any dedicated footy player would be able to relate to, only to have the Grand Final awarded to you(ELATION!!)and then cruelly snatched away based on a shaky overruled decision, which I may add was doubted by the umpires themselves(yes, you were spotted in your car reading the RULE BOOK at the end of the game)
You may call us whingers, we are just searching for the honest truth in all of this mayhem, for both sides so they can either really celebrate their win or commiserate their loss.
well dave the rule of a goal stands as long as the disposal was before the umpire signalled the end of the game. this information comes from a neutral brisbane umpire in the big leagues.
Dave, this will answer your question….
the rule book says, rule 12.5.1 (b) Even though play has come to an end, a Goal or Behind shall be recorded for a team if the goal or behind was scored by a Player who disposed of the football before play came to an end.
Therefore, even if the umpire has put his hands up to signal the end of play, the fact the ball was disposed of before the umpire signaled the end of play, means it is a score. If a Byron player had touched the ball before it rolled through, then the ball was dead.
Also, this rule is a big one-
(iv) The time at the end of each quarter – at the completion of each quarter the
timekeepers shall sound the siren or bell and shall keep it sounding until a field
umpire signifies he has heard it by blowing his whistle and holding both arms above
his head. The time to be recorded as the finish of each quarter shall be the time
which a field umpire signals to the timekeepers that he has heard the siren or bell.
So the two rules above from official AFL rule books, indicate Lismore as the victors. However it appears a few other rules and laws contradict what constitutes the end of the game as some officials suggest it is the siren in which ends the game and the umpire can make the call as to when they thought they first heard the siren and if they got the kick off in time or not.
This is the exact confusion that can be officially cleared up upon an investigation.
As a Lismore player, I accept that we allowed Byron back in the game, and hell, they played a brilliant final qtr which shows the spirit they have, however the debacle which unfolded at the end must be cleared up, and other questions must be raised also as to who was the controlling umpire at the time.
dave this has to do with the result of a game and thats it – i and all my fellow supporters and the players themselves have no problem with byron as a club and if you have nothing constructive to say then find some other forum to prattle on!!!!
Thanks for the rule quotes but where is the rule that says a ball that rolls through after full time has been called is a goal. As I have played before I think that when you hear the umpire call time the game is over, sure if the ball is in the air before the call its live till it hits the ground, as a player you here the siren then the umpire and the game is over you don’t go chasing a rolling ball, its over isn’t it and Kali you are the one who started saying your team was getting abused by byron foul mouthed supporters which I find hard to believe WHY would they go to lismore when they can go to the beach
hard to believe or not – ask around u might find u are wrong about that they dont all live at the beach!!! i never once took a low blow or called anyone out about it – those people know who they are and so do i – by the way my name is kati.
as for the goal – ask willsy he awarded it to us!!!!
DAVE we’ve already answered your question champ-
12.5.1 (b) Even though play has come to an end, a Goal or Behind shall be recorded for a team if the goal or behind was scored by a Player who disposed of the football before play came to an end.
12.1.1 – ” a goal is scored when the football is kicked completely over the goal line by a player of the attacking team without being touched by any other player even if the football first touches the ground”
Yes thanks phil I know what a goal is during play ie can bounce through, but not in the context of full time being called, play stops , so are players expected to chase a bouncing ball I think not. This is the problem as I cant imagine play continues the ball is dead if it touches the ground or player after the siren. Quote the rule that says otherwise please to clarify your teams point and everyone elses
What I wrote above, 12.1.1 states what a goal is.
So 12.5.1 states that a goal is awarded when the ball has gone to boot before the umpire calls time. So the definition of goal is even when it bounces through, and a goal is when the ball has gone to boot before the umpire calls time. Thus meaning that if the umpire calls time and the ball is still either sailing or dribbling through, it’s a goal.
I cannot believe that my friends and I drove all the way from the Gold Coast to watch this tripe.
Irrespective of the result, I think the unsportsmanlike conduct of that Lismore Club after the match was disgraceful. Firstly, celebrating in the faces of the Byron players and supporters who were already on the ground after they thought they had won was ridiculous, and to then walk off after the Lismore player won the best on ground during the presentation was something Lismore should be ashamed of, no matter how they felt about the result.
So from now on, does this mean that all matches in the competition are to be videotaped and disputed calls brought into question? I do not know of a single AFL competition in Australia that does it. Maybe in League where the video umpire gets used it is common, but not in AFL, it never has been and by disputing the result via a videotape is not in the spirit of the game. People should be happy a news crew were even there to report the game in the first place.
Lismore have obviously not thought of the repercussions their actions will have on the game’s image, or their club, which to an unbias lover of the game (go the cats!), now look like they have a bad case of sour grapes. And given their well-known problems they had last year with their drug-affected coach, and players leaving as a result, they need to have a look at how their behaviour is reflected on their club, the game in the area itself, and on the game as a whole that is trying desperately to build in the area.
I don’t know the rules well enough so I’m not going to pass comment on ‘that’ kick, but, just as one person is not bigger than a club as a whole, actions speak louder than words and the display I saw from Lismore on Saturday after the game was rubbish. You had the game won, you lost it. Byron are premiers.
Move on and prepare for 2010.
And am I the only one to notice that the footage DOES NOT show the ball actually going through the goals?
If a decision is going to be based solely on the footage that was captured then it firstly does not matter as to when the ball is kicked, or even when the siren sounds for that matter, if it does not show the ball actually travelling through the goals … then what is the point of an appeal? That footage is inconclusive and this appeal is frankly a waste of time and bad for the game.
Matthew you are obviously biased. If your just a random person coming from the goldy to watch the game. Why are you making such a fuss of it? Is this sooo important to you?. Most people on here claim which club theyre from and make it quite obvious. I agree with you that bad sportsmanship is not called for. However it is an unfair call to say Lismore supporters were a disgrace. We were actually commenting on how great their team spirit was compared to Byrons which i’m positive everyone who was there would agree. If you remember Byron were the first to start cheering, as they assumed theyd won, which i’m sure the lismore supporters thought aswell, seeing as they were all quiet obviously devastated. Did you not notice the foul language coming out of your FAVOURED BYRON supporters who sprinted towards Lismores support squad tent giving them the finger prancing around right in front of their faces? Oh this must have slipped your mind, because THAT was a DISGRACE. Byron cheered assuming theyd won, from what I noticed it was only after this that the umpire officially awarded the win to Lismore who then began cheering and all Lismore supporters ran onto the field cheering with them. This is clearly shown in the above footage. Yes im sure there were a few who were “disgraceful” just like those from Byron, however to be fair I believe any passionate supporter of a team who thought they just lost would not appreciate such disgusting acts as those initially coming from Byron supporters and can see why some would retaliate. Maybe you should CHOOSE to see both sides of the situation. And whats this about drug affected coach and players leaving? What does that have to do with the result of the game? Ha you make me laugh mate. Definately not biased ay? Is there anything else ud like to find to crap on about? ‘drugs n coahes,’ ‘support squad issues’ ‘footage issues’ What will be next? Good luck buddy keep trying to find other issues that might assist you in your so badly wanted win. Please enlighten us all with some more “unbiased” irelevant info. Pathetic.
Badly wanted win!!!!!!!!! how many have byron won?, I would say Bob your desperate!!!!!!! for a primiership not me mate
Sam Newman thinks Lismore won. Shut the gates. LOL
Kylie i was simply pointing out to you why people get so passionate in sledging your team and that you really don’t need to get on here and have a good cry about it – go do that in private. By all means go and dispute the call you have every right to do ( I wish you the best of luck) but do it quietly in a dignified manner.
No I do not wish to ring you privately thakyou for the offer everything is loud and clear with me and I would just like to let you know once again that I am okay with it.
What ever the outcome I am happy to save it all for next year thankyou. See you on the paddock!
LMAO what a pathetic display from the swans supporters !! What a joke !! Lismore was in control of the game for about 90 minutes and then some how let byron hit the front with seconds remaining in the game !! To try and cling to some sort of a pipedream after the final siren had gone is pathetic, Byron didn’t win the game lismore lost it !! That’s a fact of football and all their players and coach would know that !! Maybe if they train and work hard in the off season they can end that 25 year choke on the premiership !! But until then “oh the premierships a calk walk for the good old Byron bay “
Lismore how could you entertain the idea you would be premiers, IF BYRON PLAYERS THOUGHT OTHERWISE THEY WOULD HAVR TOUCHED THE BALL
and as usual they carried on like the wingers we all know them to be, with loud mouthed know all like Bernie, you didn’t do your club any favours and we all in the league know we will here how they were robbred for years
aNYONE WHO SAW THE GAME SAW lismore choke and lose the game