Central Coast NewsNewcastle News
People in Western Lake Macquarie are upset over plans for another coal mine in the area.
Centennial Coal has applied to mine 1.5 million tonnes over three years at a site near Blackalls Park, but residents fear the environment will be the loser.
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We live very close to the proposed mine site, it is obviously all above ground. Even if it is in a trench, it is open to the sky and will cause noise and dust pollution. I am very concerned for the health of the local population, especially the young, it is not right to mix indutrial processes with residential areas, especially where there are several schools very close to the site. We are told that house prices will fall by up to $100,000; for older people such as us, this could mean that if we need to sell up in order to buy into old peoples’ accommodation, we probably will not have enough capital to do so.
If you missed the news, have a look at this. There is a General Meeting on the 30th July at Toronto High School 6.30-7pm start. Please please try to attend as we are canvassing Politicians etc to get there and need to have numbers to show the local feeling. Even if you are not a resident directly affected, just think of the ramifications to those that are!
Thanks for your support
I am very concerned about Centennial’s proposed Olstan Mine. Open Cut Mining has been banned in Lake Macquarie since 2007. Centennial Coal claim this is underground mine yet none of the workers nor the equipment (except) the auger drill will be under the ground! Almost half the excavated coal will be recovered from the access pits. If this proposal is approved it will set a precedent for western Lake Macquarie area. All mining operations produce dust, noise and vibrations and this mine is within 700 m of schools and many homes. Already people are stressed in my local area! Blackalls is beautiful – lets keep it that way!!! Attend the Public Meeting on July 30th – be informed – show your support.
This Auger mine is open cut in every sense. It is ridiculous to assume that such a concept as this dirty, dusty industry can in any way co exist with such a densely populated city as Lake Macquarie. Blackalls & Toronto for example, are home to many nursing homes ,sporting groups, schools & children’s services. We value our health & community. Open Cut mining is banned in Lake Macquarie for good reason and this pathetic and unpopular attempt by Centennial to crawl through on a technicality is causing distress and anxiety to local residents. Centennial has claimed it will consult the community. It hasn’t and it doesn’t. If they listened they would hear the community clearly saying NO!
The mining method proposed for the Olstan Project involves open cut and auger operations, just like Centennial Coal’s previous operation in the area, the Fassifern Open Cut and Auger Mine. The government classed Centennial’s previous mine as an open cut operation, and nothing has changed. Olstan is open cut too. Paul Lob was mistaken in the report where he said that surface augering is “technically classed as underground mining”: surface auger mining is open cut mining by stealth. Just ask Bob Cameron, CEO of Centennial Coal, who in 2004 and 2005 described the same style of mining as “open cut and auger mining”: for once we agree with Mr Cameron.
One chance to stop it for once & for all- so NOW is the TIME to get INVOLVED with the fight to maintain our somewhat healthy lifestyle & environment-if we all lay idle on this things will change for the worst & quickly. Open -Cut Open Slather is the wish of this coal giant- Blackalls will be just the beginning…watch out Central Coast they’re heading your way if the go ahead is given for this!Cough & Coal Coast will be the outcome! SAY NO NOW & SAY IT LOUDLY!
This Open Cut Mine is illegal. The majority of residents in and around this are saying NO to Centennial and NO to the Government bodies who have the power to pass this Project. They are testing the water to plunder further afield. It must be stopped!