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It’s set to put the Tweed and Kyogle shires on the world map, but a move to bring the World Rally Championship to the regions continues to attract heavy opposition.

Hundreds of angry residents have marched through the main street of Murwillumbah on the New South Wales north coast, as organisers prepare to lodge plans for the event.

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  1. It would seem that the rally organisers and Events NSW believe it is OK to impose a noisy, polluting and not to mention very dangerous activity onto the lives of people who do not want it. The days of high speed car rallying should be over if they cannot hold an event of this nature in an appropriate place. Away from residents and away from threatened species like the koala.
    The colourful crowd of people, wisely choosing to oppose this car rally is growing by the day.

  2. It is ludicrous that the native animal illiterate organisers of the Tweed and Kogle Speed car rally chose to drive their cars through sensitive wildlife habitat putting our unique stress prone native species at risk. Just the exhaust fumes and shrill gunning of motors should be enough to cancel this vandalism. It is indicative of an apathetic society that is hell bend on adding to Australia’s terrible reputation of being responsible for over half the world’s wildlife extinctions.

  3. The State Government needs to listen to the local Tweed and Kyogle residents, and stop promoting this madness. High speed car rallies may be fun and OK in the right environment, for those still caught up in the past, but totally irresponsible for our government to do deals behind the people’s back, imposing this ‘event’ on local community used roads, National Parks, and the wildlife that live in both.

    The rally is proposed to be held in September, when many animals are breeding. They will suffer stress myopathy from the racing cars, that will terrify them, not to mention the Koala Management Plan, two or three low flying helicopters ‘Buzzing’ the road and loud sirens blaring out to frighten and scare them away from the road, before each stage is run !

    The local residents are angry, and as more people hear about what will
    actually happen before, during and after the ‘event’, they are joining with those already actively campaigning against it.

    As the two ‘pro rally’ people yesterday said in answer to the question, “Where are all the others ?” –” At work !!”, so were all our ‘other’ Anti-Rally people.
    If they were all able to come, we could, and would, have had triple the 300+ people that did turn up.

    To get that number at 2pm on a weekday was exceptional, general people being quite apathetic, to say the least, thinking someone else will do it , or ‘It’s a done deal, what hope have we got?’
    We also got that number despite our 3,000 flier letterbox drop, not being fully delivered, despite being paid for !

  4. Does the lady representing the organisers of the rally think only those who support the rally work? There were many protestors there that felt strongly enough about this ludicrous waste of money to take time off work with no pay. Imagine the numbers who would have been there, if it had been held on the weekend.

    This is people power folks, and it looks like we might be about to lose it because of a government gone mad, and hence…BROKE.
    We now know we cannot trust a government to have our best interests at heart, and we can see where greed has got the world in this current environment.

    The Repco World Rally represents everything we stand against, yet the government spends millions of tax dollars to support it. Thats our money, spent by people paid to represent us!

    We love the Far North Coast, and welcome everyone to come and see the beautiful land we live in…..AS GOD GAVE IT TO US, not after the hearts been ripped out of it by over development and environmental vandalism

  5. Hi
    I would if possible for you to see about a story on the above website. it is a lace protector for football, rugby league, union,running,any sprt that has laces and people use electrical tape , that ends up either all over fields or in water ways, this is a central coast invention and also sold here on the coast at Blackwall.
    If you would like further information my nmber is 0447472007 24/7
    Hope to hear from you soon , Maybe Steve might be able to do a story with them .
    Thank you for your time
    Graham O’loughlin

  6. Speaking as the President of the Murwillumbah District Business Chamber who attended the Murwillumbah Protest in favour of the WRC Rally Event with a message that simply said ”Give Rally a Go!”

    Both myself and other business owners were horrified that the community of Murwillumbah was seen to be represented by a group of individuals who live in Nimbin and Byron Bay.

    If these people wish to protest then please do so by all means but protest in their own backyards and not in a town of hard working everyday families who are the parochial backbone of our community. Murwillumbah is the Heart of the Tweed and the people who reside here have plenty of heart for our town!

    Our members are 100% behind the Rally, we are poised to welcome the arrival of visitors to our beautiful Valley and intend to ensure that their experience here will be one that they will cherish. The event is an unknown quantity and some are surmising many outcomes. I say “give it a go!” Let’s build upon this event so it can co-exist with the environment and the community. If not, then should we just build a brick wall around us and keep everyone out? I’m all for being proactive and not reactive so bring it on!

  7. Ms Zuschke, I am not from Byron Bay or Nimbin and nor are any of the people I knew at the march. They were from Uki, Murwillumbah, Pottsville, Tumbulgum, Kingscliff, Burringbar, Crabbes Creek and other wonderful places in the Tweed. Those that I knew who marched are as hardworking as these other families you talk about, probably more so. As wildlife carers, we spend thousands of our own dollars every year and spends hundreds of hours on a totally voluntary basis, rescuing and rehabilitating native animals.

    As for giving it a go, consider that most of these animals that we rescue have been hit by cars. We already know what cars do! To promote a car rally is an insult to all of the wonderful wildlife volunteers.

  8. The development and true realisation of the spectacular NSW Northern Rivers Area has suffered for many years under the small thinking that is characterised by these myopic protesters. Line up at the starting gate all you “Nimby”s from Nimbin.

    If you want to talk about pollution, just get close to them, most of them haven’t used deodorant in years. Collective pollution from dubious smoking devices untold.

    Many of these so-called greenies have a larger carbon footprint than they think, driving their ancient polluting ( and badly maintained) vehicles to this rally, not realising the benefits that motorsport provides in the development of new technologies that help reduce pollutants. Recreational motorsport will not and should not change as a result of this protest.

    So my natural friends, a few words of advice. Stick close to your freshly loaded peace pipes and it’ll be over before you know it…remember last weekend??? Probably not.
    As for the animals, no self respecting koala or wallaby would even come close to the cars and will have their habitat restored in no time at all (rally cars don’t muck around). It’s a shame that this kind of civil action has the ability stuff up an event which has the potential to put the Northern Rivers area on the world map and benefit all. So cane fires are OK but an efficent vehicle isn’t.. or even progress toward a civilised society ?? Shame on you all and hide your heads in your collective Kaftans.

  9. Whilst I did not know everyone in the march, I do know the folk you refer to as Nimbys from Nimbin, They may frequent Nimbin for their closest shopping, but all of them live elsewhere, inside the Caldera, and in the Kyogle Shire just off the main road or on various roads proposed for this Reckless Rally.

    The folk from Byron who do support us, where unable to come due to work and the distance.

    The folk I did see, were largely a majority of elderly retired folk, many from the Kingscliff and surrounding areas, and some hard working mothers with kids.
    My elderly mother (78) along with many of her bushwalking friends would take great offense at being labeled ‘unwashed hippies’ from Nimbin and Byron !

    I wish we could get more of the folk you imply were there. They , along with many mainstream non-hippies are notoriously hard to get to be active like this when needed.
    There are so many people living in this Tweed region, tucked away on these very roads planned for the rally , that just think it’s too hard to ‘fight’ the council, the government, and those with money who weild the power !
    But if the FIA, and RRA, continue with this proposal, they will end up with a lot of Bad Publicity, which can only harm the motor sport industry , to it’s eventually extinction, fittingly as the Dinosaur ‘event’ that it is.

  10. No, Toni Zuschke, the Murwillumbah Chamber of Commerce is NOT “100% behind the rally” because I AM a member of the Chamber and I am 100% DEAD SET AGAINST IT.
    And how arrogant and ignorant of you to declare that the protesters were non-locals!! What evidence have you to justify your claim? In fact, I recognised many familiar faces and know you are simply wrong, wrong, wrong.
    You suggested that rally supporters were absent because they were too busy working while the protesters were not only out-of-towners, but unemployed at that!
    Well let me make it clear – I am a local resident, business owner and employer. The whole idea of this rally is so abhorrent to me that I made arrangements to take time out to voice my protest.
    And it is not simply “give it a go” – it is a contract for 10 years with an option for another 10 years, as you well know.
    It is absolutely APPALLING that one of Australia’s most biodiverse regions can be trashed as a giant speedway. Better that we protect the natural attributes of the area and develop sustainable ecotourism. Going on the Canadian example, theres a lot of ecodollars to be made.

  11. Hi all,
    My name is Michael Starkey, and I’m a reporter for the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism who publish an online magazine UTS: Reportage.
    I am really interested the debate going on here and have recently been assigned a colour story on an aspect of the environment in a rural area.
    I would be really interested in interviewing one of you about this issue to get a feel for why you’re so passionate about this rally not being held, or being held.
    Megan Jack, I am particularly interested in your point of view and would love to hear from you if you would like to help me out.
    I can be contacted by e-mail: or on 0401 260 275.
    Thanks a lot.

  12. I have been a Tweed resident for many years and I never considered, in my wildest nightmares that I would be putting my personal art and writing projects on hold to help fight a campaign to stop racing cars speeding through our national parks and other areas of fragile high diversity. However, The NSW Government lost the plot, mesmerized by the promise of financial gain to Tweed and Kyogle shires, a promise that never manifested when the rally was run in WA. I have been an eco-activist in the past but, at 60 I thought I would be able to hang up the banners and protest placards, but it was not to be.

    This world heritage area of high and rare diversity is just too precious for me to stand back and let someone else do the protesting. I cannot just stand by while the few remaining Koalas in this area and other wildlife become collateral damage to appease people who think high speed car races are perfectly okay, despite the ecological crisis this world faces. I can not just stand by while the residents of Tweed an Kyogle shire is subjected to noise trauma from the roads and the skies as well as the nuisance of having to put up with blocked off roads, gridlocked traffic, and innadequate parking spaces. I cannot stand by while young drivers are encouraged to drive dangerously on our roads at a risk to themselves and other road users.

  13. It is even more apparent now, that not only was the NO RALLY protest devoid of pro rally people, it is obvious they weren’t even there. The majority of the residents there were very ordinary, run of the mill law abiding citizens over the age of 40. How easy it is to just call us tree huggers and hippy’s and think youve scored points.
    Lets have a close look at Tony Zuschke NEW Pres of Chamber of Commerce, only because no one else wanted the job, says the chamber is now non political….where is she?…on the footpath shouting abuse at anti rally protestors…first lie
    2nd Lie…she tells the people of the Tweed an expected 80,000 people will be coming for the rally…How does she know? Gary Connelly only says it will attract 25,000 visitors…Who is telling the trueth? I will…..its only a guess by both of them!
    Moteliers I have spoken to say, it wont make any difference to them,they are booked out most weekends anyway. So how much is a hamburger worth….its anyones guess.

  14. Rally fans, really, it’s quite simple. Its simply not the place for it, or are you really so ignorant of the incredible qualities of your own backyard. ie. World Heritage listed, More Bio-diversity than Kakadu, and so on and on.
    This area already has the world record for extinct species due mainly to inappropriate developments like this one.
    Why don’t you all get out and take a slow lesuirely look at how amazing these routes are, and then tell us you support the rally.
    If we allow this, then what’s next. How about Jet Ski races in the Yellow waters of Kakadu, or a Monster truck comp in the daintree. (Good thing Events NSW is only statewide)
    Really boys, could you have picked a more inappropriate place. Please take it elsewhere before it becomes a huge international source of shame. We really don’t want the Tweed Valley to have a reputation for being this backward.

  15. Dear Dean Nightingale, Too nice a name to sing sucha brutal song. What you describe sounds a lot like rape. Some things we simply don’t want.
    Maybe aif you smoked the peace pipe you would sing a different song?

  16. It’s amazing to me how the main arguments of pro-rally people is that the anti-rally people are hippies from Nimbin. Are you rally people so incapable of questioning yourselves that you have to make us wrong? Are you so arrogant to think that you could not be wrong in supporting this insane event?

    Even if it were true that all the anti-rally people were hippies (and it isn’t), I say so what? Anyone who cares about this earth and is willing to fight to protect it is all right in my book. Conversely, those who don’t care about this beautiful place and endorse the trashing of it (as the rally will) – developers and capitalistic types of people who only think of profit and their own pleasure – are the ones who should be criticised.

    And if you don’t give a hoot about koalas, threatened species and the Earth, think of what kind of future you are creating for your kids and grandkids…. without biodiversity the human species will also perish and that is the perilous road we are on. Australia has the worst record of extinctions in the world (as Maryland so accurately pointed out) and holding an international car rally through major koala habitat and national parks is NOT a good way to protect endangered species.

    Wake up rally people, we are in the 21st century and heading for Armageddon.

  17. The Northern Rivers shires of Tweed and Kyogle are already on the map as spectacularly beautiful Rain Forest regions abounding in naturtal flora and fauna. Tourists travel feom all over the world to see this beautiful part of the world. Why would you want to destroy that valuable marketable image for some dirty old twentieth century petrol sport in a time when all the major car manufacturers are collapsing due to mismanagement and an attachment to filthy inefficient petrol burning engines of the past. The Rally represents that very same regressive thinking. If the Government were smart it would realise the Brand power of the beautiful terrain as it is. As a shire promoting itself as a sea change tree change environment why sully the image with a dirty rally?

    The people against the rally have nothing to do with being hippies.

    The smart money would be on the preservation of an environmentally clean image fro Tweed and Kyogle shires to generate smarter wealth. Its the economy stupid.

  18. I am a resident of Tweed shire , I don’t smoke marihuanah, I pay my taxes and I the own and operate a small business. I am also only too aware that there is a global economic meltdown goiing on. I am TOTALLY OPPOSED to this rally ! In particular I believe that it is totally immoral to declare areas as National Parks and then conduct petrol guzzling car races through them. All this at the behest of a state government which absolutely refuses to say how much tax payers money they have slung at this good for nothing event. When are we going to wake up and realise that these government sponsered events and their so called economic benefits is something akin to the Israelites worshipping the handmade golden oxen prior to Moses returning from Mt Sinai.

  19. If the post smoking lunatics of Tweed and Kyogle dont want the event, send it to Victoria, we’ll love to have it and be better ambassadors for Australia than those lunatics.

  20. It seems to me that most of the arguments so far presented against the rally, are based on prejudice and not valid arguments.

    Am I really supposed to believe that 80 cars racing for one weekend every 2 years does more damage to the environment than the thousands of locals and tourists driving around the same roads everyday.

    Also the idea that eco tourism is environmentally friendly is not true.
    Remember these tourists fly in on jet planes and drive around the area in gas guzzling cars.

    It seems that the core issue for many is “fast cars” which is prejudice and so they try to justify their beliefs with spurious arguments.

  21. Katie Milne might have been wiser spend your money on planting more native trees along the riverbanks or park areas rather than going to court with no evidence and having to pay court costs.

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