Central Coast News


People living on the Peninsula haven’t given up their fight to have the Woy Woy rehabilitation unit reopened.

A passionate group has rallied against its recent closure, amid collecting signatures on a second petition to have the move reversed.

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  1. It used to be the Federal Liberal governments who were accused of selling off the farm.Now its the State Labor government selling off the NSW Health assets to pay the Health bills.Seems like the 2 major parties have merged into the former British political party -to wit ,the Lib/Labs.

    Both parties no longer represent the average Australian, as their membership is way down from the halcyon years of the 40’s,when over 400,000 belonged to the Labor party.Today,both parties in NSW would be lucky to have 10,000 state members between them.Very few people are actually forming policies for Australians to consider, and they often policies that the average Australian would not support, but have no other options from the Lib/Labs.

    With the right wing taking over the State Liberal Party ,and the ethnic branch stackers having a big influence on the State Labor Party,its time for Australian voters to vote for independent Australians who can think for themselves, and who are not bound to follow the party policies from the ” faceless men ” of the Lib/Labs who only represent themselves.

  2. How about this then
    Terry Collins perhaps you may be able to inform your readers more effectively if you called me on 43419140. Because those capable of assisting our elderly trusting and mostly improperly informed in my community understand. I was the one approached for help by concerned residents who were frustrated as they were unable to attract media interest and certainly no effective support from elected representatives. I am the one who is spending the money on advertising to combat the NSW Health / Labor Government taxpayer funded spin, by pushing a number of legitimate concerns which thousands of constituents are not being told about. Our nurses are too frightened to raise their own concerns in public because they fear loosing their jobs. I have advertised and promoted several meetings at the Anglican Church in Woy Woy on behalf of those disenfranchised who number among them nine thousand people over sixty five here on the Woy Woy Peninsula. I find it interesting your report has not mentioned we don’t accept anything from those $#it heads at NSW Health! And that we have held several meetings at least one advertised in your rag at a cost to me $408. I note Gosford City council don’t run the reports on our meetings in the News Corner which we ratepayers pay for. The next meeting our fifth will be at the Anglican Church Hall in Blackwall Road Woy Woy. On the 4 of April at 2 PM.

    Edward James POB3024 Umina 2257 0243419140

  3. This is just another dirty rotten deal done by corrupt officials doing handshake deals with big business at the expense of the community at large. They do not care about the people – only collecting favours and under the table envelopes they can line their own pockets with.
    Everything is done with $$$ in mind, nothing else matters to these crooked, nasty, arrogant people. Apathy allows these things to continue, so speak up.

  4. Considering the elderly citizens of the Woy Woy peninsular seems to be very low on this shonky Governments list of priorities . With memories of the brazenly arrogant stand of Health Minister John Della Bosca at the disgraceful ‘Iguanagate Fiasco’ when the Minister and his wife were quite happy to see young honest employees have their reputations sullied in the selfish pursuit of holding on to office at any cost , is it any wonder the total lack of support to local residents regarding the closure of Woy Woy hospital .

    Top marks to Mr James and other ‘renegades’ who are daring to stand up against the unthinking , unfeeling and unreasonable NSW State Government .

    Shame M/S Marie Bashir can’t do a ‘Sir John Kerr’ and sweep the rotten garbage out of office , sooner , rather than later ! ……………….Ted Regan .. Booker Bay

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