Northern Rivers News
Since last year’s raids, The Nimbin Hemp Museum has a new leasee and a new lease on life.
Along with the recently re-opened Hemp Bar, it’s claiming to be cannabis free and a safer sanctuary for local people.
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when people talk about cannabis they refer to the “mythical” drug problem. it is said that it causes schitzophrenia, even though, it is well documented that people who suffer from this will take almost any substace they think will make them feel better, alcohol and various pills being their most frequent choices.And of course cannabis!
As to other mislead and misleading information eg it demotivates, i worked 80 hrs a week for a little over six months as a volunteer to get the HEMP Bar open
there were no “drug problems” in the HEMP Bar apart from some assaults by people who weren’t under the influence of cannabis but under the influence of a much harder much more dangerous drug , one that is responsible for many deaths and injuries ALCOHOL It was a sad day for ones personal freedom the day the HEMP Bar closed.
Now it has risen from the ashes and may it flourish in its new incarnation!!!
peace for pot pot for peace
Dave Cannabis
you’ve got support all the way around the globe m8, in the heart of europe
cheers, roll one for me as well 🙂