Central Coast News

Complete shock, that’s how police have described the feeling on the streets of Umina Beach after thieves blew up an automatic teller machine early this morning.
The explosion is yet another attack on ATMs across the country and the seventh in the state to be hit this week.
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Bang Bandits stole the sleep from those close enough to be woken at 3 15 am on Saturday morning by the explosion in West Street Umina. Another ATM falls prey to the bang bandits this time they escaped in a black BMW after leaving a trail of money and a 18 Volt Hitachi battery pack in the lane way between Coopers and the latest target St George Bank in West Street Umina. The damage to early morning trade in our community is extensive several businesses were not free to open until the process of investigation had past the important measuring and logging stage. The St George branch manager was there looking at what was left of his banks frontage, one tile from the banks wall was blown across the road with such force that it smashed the front plate glass window of J&B Meats. These are some photos you will notice bolt cutters and the battery pack. The question on everyone’s lips is why were the three roads off the Peninsula not closed immediately? It is worth noting the $860.000 which will be spent on installing CCTV wont stop escalation of crime, it will only provide an expensive record of the facts. http://sydney.indymedia.org.au/story/st-george-bank-umina-targeted-atm-bombers-3-15-saturday-morning
Edward James POB 3024 Umina 2257 0243419140