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Not yet ready to stow their boots for the season, hundreds of young rugby league players today laced up for the state-wide PCYC Commissioners Shield Tournament.
On the coast, five teams battled it out, while also learning a special lesson
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I wish to voice my concern and frustration at the lack of relevance towards the mid-north coast and north coast in the area of news, weather and advertising products on the station feeding programs to Coffs Harbour.
In general he great majority of news items revolvs around Newcastle, the Central coast and the port stephens area. Bearing in mind that we have to see and listen to adverts when we watch NBN Channel 9 it would be at least more acceptable if the products being promoted realted to mid-north coast instead of Newcastle. through out the evening when we have the weather break once again its the weather forcast for the Hunter and Port Stephens – no mention of the mid north coast.
The Midnorth coast has a sufficient population to at least warrant its own weather forecast, some local news content and local products in the adverts. If Channel 7 is able to provide this service why can’t NBN.
One final comment must relate to the lack of stability in the sound quality and volume between adverts and programs i.e between different adverts and with in the actual programs. Of all the networks we (my wife and I) watch NBN would be of the worst overall sound quality.
I trust you view these comments as genuine for I have taken a long time to reach this point when I just had to contact you.
Thank you
John Woodock