No the RAAF hasn’t changed its uniform and no it’s not trying to save fuel on the tarmac.
Instead this is fundraising Air Force style.
Personnel at RAAF base Williamtown spent the day muscling an FA-18 hornet over a 100 metre course.
“C’mon in out in out C’mon”
14 teams took part in the tug of war.The hardest part was to get the 17 tonne fighter jet moving. But with a little momentum and the military’s can do attitude, most teams were able to pull the aircraft over the line in around a minute.
Not everyone could go the distance, but when its a good cause, stopping is not an option.
“yeah they just went straight over me.”
The day raised $6,500 for the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at Newcastle’s John Hunter Children’s Hospital.
“One of the guys at our work is a sufferer, and it just started with a little seed, and the next thing we know we had a Hornet teed up, to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis.”
CF patient Aaron Matthews was on hand to witness the feats of human strength.
He’s one of hundreds of people who’ll benefit from the money raised.