Newcastle News

CANDIDATE Q & A – Jane Oakley, Greens candidate for Shortland

Jane_OAKLEY_SHORTLANDWhat motivated you to run for the seat of Shortland?

I’m really proud of the Greens’ policies, I’ve been a Greens member for some time and I think the Greens is the only party that stands up for the things that matter. I think we should be addressing issues like climate change, I worry about my children’s future so I want to be able to say to my kids that I did everything that I could to protect their lifestyle.

First tilt at politics, how are you finding it, is it what you expected?

It’s very exciting. It’s very challenging having to stand up in front of people and say what you believe in. But I’m very proud of Greens policies, I find them easy to defend, they’re focused on the community well being, they are focused on fairness and natural justice, and they mirror my values.

What’s your biggest issue in the electorate and what would be your first priority?

I think education is really a huge issue, education is a silver bullet. We need to have properly funded schools, and universities that give our children a solid education, so that they can become qualified, so they can have a good job, they can be good employees, they can start their own business. It’s really the fix for everything and so I think education is the key.

It’s a safe Labor seat how are you rating your chances?

I don’t think I’ll defeat Jill but it is important to give voters a choice and to give them a viable alternative to the traditional parties.

How will you be preferencing?

We’re preferencing ALP

For people that might be disillusioned with the Labor party and know that your votes will go to them what would you say to them?

A vote for the Greens is never a wasted vote, the Greens are the party that stand up for the community. We have fantastic policies on climate change, we want to fix the mining tax so that we’ve got funds to invest in education and health. We’ve been the voice in the Senate over the last term that have achieved great things and it is important that we have Greens in the Senate, so that the traditional parties don’t hold all the power.

What do you think is your biggest challenge?

Look it’s out of my comfort zone standing up in front of people but you know it’s making me braver and it’s really enjoyable getting out there and talking to people.

Do you think it is an advantage for you to be a fresh face?

Certainly people are very tired with the way politics have been played. It’s like a professional game that long term politicians have played. I think it is frustrating when questions are put to politicians and they don’t answer them or say anything, just dodge around the issue, so I think it is important that people like myself stand up and say I want to represent the community and we want our politics to have integrity and to genuinely implement good policies for all of us.

(This interview was conducted at the Lake Macquarie Business Club event on 22/8)
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