Mid North NewsNorthern Rivers News
A huge crowd of around 7000 coal seam gas campaigners saturated Lismore’s CBD today, in a unified stance against mining and exploration on the north coast.
Mayors of both Lismore and Clarence Valley accepted letters from community members, declaring themselves CSG free.
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Well done to these people. Time OUR Governmets listened to their electorates.
They will be branded as radical, greenies, anti-development. There is No turning back after CSG contamination of aquifers.
I have more and more doubts that the NSW Government can run this state for the well being of its people. It looks that the “politicians” and their parties are in bed with the industry raping this our country. Shame on them.
Great day! No doubt as to how the PEOPLE feel (especially about Thos George) Should a politician be allowed to retain his elected position if he is not prepared to represent the wishes of the people who elected him?
So nice to have so many people who feel passionately about their cause still retain light hearts. EVERYTHING is achieved in a light heart !!!
Jo Mac
The Community says NO & that means no Social Licence. Get rid of Thomas George too, he is totally out of touch with his electorate, His consult has been an insult.
Took part in the Rally in Lismore today. What a wonderful show of people power. Well done to everyone concerned and may we spread this important message to make the people of this country wake up to the damage that coal seam gas mining causes.
A very powerful message sent to politicians, gas miners and investors today. There’s something extremely wrong if they don’t take notice of this. The Northern Rivers region is no place for unconventional gas mining and LNG processing. We live here and we won’t live among gas fields and processing plants. We value our region, the environment, healthy food and lifestyles and a sustainable future for our children. Northern Rivers Australia will not tolerate CSG mining. The community has spoken. Australians all over the country are standing up to this filthy industry.
Dont forget to ask your politician why CSG production is royalty free for 5 years. WE own what is under the ground and citizens of NSW need the royalties to pay for hospitals, roads, police, nurses. amend the Petroleum onshore Regulations and remove that damned clause!!!!
What worries me with this whole issue is that both Labor and Liberal seem to share the same mindset as each other a lot of the time. They have a fixed mindset and it doesn’t include protecting the environment, it seems. So we, the people, need to take a stand and demand what we want or they will take it all away before we know it.
If northern NSW falls to CSG miners the rest of NSW is stuffed also.
such an empowering day ! but i cant help feeling that it is only a small part of what will be required to enlighten the general public and ban coal seam gas extraction for good …there is no excuse for destruction of the planets water supply……it is a basic human right ..lets be ready for more action on a grander scale !
We need to keep up this pressure, DEMAND that csg mining be outlawed, not just in The Northern Rivers, but throughout the country…water doesn’t follow state boundaries and we need to help our friends (did you all hear Brian Monk speak yesterday? Unimaginable what life is now like for him and his family). France has completely banned it, South Africa has completely banned it, and we want it completely banned here-no mucking around with moratoriums while they push through as many mines as possible, but banned. We need to make sure that any politician who supports this practise isn’t re-elected. We need to boycot Shell and Coles-shop elsewhere, buy your petrol at independent stations-it is Shell and petro China who hold the majority of exploration licenses for the northern rivers. Keep going people!! Keep writing letters, go to every rally, tell your friends, lock your streets and communities!! For the love of our beautiful country!
7000 people and not a mention on any of the major TV news broadcasts last night. What is going on? When this many people gather to have their voices heard, one would think the media has a social responsibility to broadcast the voice of the people.
these companies think they are separate from water what goes around comes around ignore the naturaL world at your own peril no one is separate from it it is that simple
Was such a heart-warming experience being a part of people-power. All NSW pollies, and in fact federal pollies should take note – we the people of the northern rivers of NSW will not back down. Our voices will be heard, no matter how long it takes. We will not have CSG or any other resource mining poisoning our water and killing our land, all for short-term financial gain. We are tired of the lies and propaganda. NO CSG in Australia!!!!!
It was fantastic to see so many people yesterday, concerned about the future of the Northern Rivers and our world. We must stop killing our planet before it’s far too late!
GET RID OF Thomas George and all of conservative Liberals from Northern Rivers and NSW.. NO C.S.G.
Unfortunately it is a worthless gesture. 7000 people in one small area means nothing to governments. I marched with over 100,000 others in Melbourne in protest against us invading Iraq. All of the capital cities had massive turn-outs to that rally, and it made absolutely no difference.
Politicians are owned by big business, and “we the people” mean nothing to them.
Excellent coverage from NBN really captures the mood an scale of this inspiring event. There is no ignoring the impact of this massive and peaceful assembly of the people of the North Coast united against the threat of Coal Seam Gas.
A shame the local ABC and other commercials couldn’t do as well :/
Awsome turn out. Do you think they will get the message now? Is this the biggest protest march ever in Lismore? You would think the media would be all over this.
Just like the last Anti-CSG march held in Byron Bay a few months ago. The biggest protest march ever in Byron and No Media coverage. Even the local papers didnt cover it???? Why ???
Power to the Peeps!!!!!
The reason the media are not covering it is because they are owned by the same arseholes who want to make money out of ground, fracking for Gas. The politicians are also owned by these greedy pigs. Up the 99%, Drop dead the 1% that want to turn your land into a poisonous playground where water is non drinkable as they pollute the entire Northern area for their own financial gains.
All under educated assumptions that CSG is a bad thing, why dont you people research the CSG succsess stories in towns such as Moranbah, Collinsville & Nebo where the landholders work together with the mining companies & do quite well out of. That land that may have employed 10-20 people as a grazing property now employs hundreds as a gas field & is still farmed well by the landholder who has new roads, fences and grids all paid for by the mining company.
Maybe this is a case of a lot of dole bludgers being scared they wont be able to fix the system so well anymore or a mining company might stumble upon their dope crop!
Keep protesting guys your making a huge impact!